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Social Credit

Social Credit? Some Questions Answered V.2

on Wednesday, January 01, 2025.

What is the purpose of an economic system ?

on Wednesday, January 01, 2025.

Providing employment, or delivering goods ?

“It is applied Christianity”

by Alain Pilote on Tuesday, October 01, 2024.

The Economic Democracy solution

by Alain Pilote on Tuesday, October 01, 2024.

The shortcomings of today’s financial system

by Alain Pilote on Tuesday, October 01, 2024.

Governments must create their own money

by Alain Pilote on Thursday, August 01, 2024.

A few questions answered

Money is just a permission slip to get things that are waiting for us

by Louis Even on Thursday, August 01, 2024.

Going into debt or balancing the budget?

by Alain Pilote on Wednesday, May 01, 2024.

Two main schools of thought in economics

Going into debt or balancing the budget?

Social Credit and the Kingdom of God

on Wednesday, May 01, 2024.

Justice means giving everyone their due

by Alain Pilote on Wednesday, May 01, 2024.

What is owed to everyone is a social dividend

A cannot buy A + B

on Monday, January 01, 2024.

Economic Democracy is a response to current problems

by Alain Pilote on Sunday, October 01, 2023.

Ecconomic Democracy and Foreign Trade

by Louis Even on Sunday, October 01, 2023.

The cause of poverty amidst plenty

on Tuesday, August 01, 2023.

The end of economics: goods must meet the needs of individuals

by Alain Pilote on Tuesday, August 01, 2023.

The importance of the money issue

on Monday, May 01, 2023.

“A silly, inexplicable, inhuman dictatorship”

by Louis Even on Monday, May 01, 2023.

Progress but for Whom and Why ?

by Louis Even on Wednesday, March 01, 2023.

A few questions and the principles of Economic Democraty

by Louis Even on Monday, August 01, 2022.

Many contradictions are born of a perverse economic system

by Louis Even on Saturday, January 01, 2022.

An effective strategy against inflation

by Louis Even on Saturday, January 01, 2022.

A discount on prices granted to merchants

Economic Democracy in Brief

by Louis Even on Sunday, August 01, 2021.

Economic Democracy Is a Conviction We Firmly Hold

by Louis Even on Sunday, August 01, 2021.

It Is a Philosophy of Economic Life

Capitalism’s Financial Flaw can be Fixed

by Alain Pilote on Monday, March 01, 2021.

Financing Consumers

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 2021.

For a Better Understanding of Social Credit

by Alain Pilote on Friday, January 01, 2021.

Toward economic security for the individual

by Louis Even on Thursday, October 01, 2020.

Money is a Symbol

on Saturday, August 01, 2020.

Real wealth is products

Canadian government deficit catapulted by spending to unprecedented levels

by Alain Pilote on Friday, May 01, 2020.

Since all money is created as a debt it is impossible to get out of debt!

Chinese “social credit”

on Friday, May 01, 2020.

Distribution Economics: Guiding Principles of Social Credit

by Louis Even on Wednesday, January 01, 2020.

“Economic Democracy Is Magnificent!”

on Tuesday, October 01, 2019.

What Should be Repaired?

on Tuesday, October 01, 2019.

Money Must be Created by the Island’s Inhabitants

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Thursday, August 01, 2019.

for Exchanges Among the Island’s Inhabitants!

Social Credit? Some Questions Answered

on Thursday, August 01, 2019.

The Origins of the Social Credit Movement Founded by Louis Even

by Louis Even on Wednesday, May 01, 2019.

The Primacy of the Human Person

by Louis Even on Friday, March 01, 2019.

A Superpower Rules over Governments

by Louis Even on Thursday, November 01, 2018.

Unpayable Debts Bear Bad Fruit

by Louis Even on Saturday, September 01, 2018.

Debt-free Financing through Social Credit

Social Credit Can Dramatically Reduce the Waste of Resources

by Alain Pilote on Saturday, September 01, 2018.

While Promoting Development of the Human Person

Why money matters

by Louis Even on Tuesday, May 01, 2018.

Social Credit in China?

on Tuesday, May 01, 2018.

For a Better World we need a Social Credit Society

by Louis Even on Monday, January 01, 2018.

In Praise of Free Lunches

on Monday, January 01, 2018.

Money created at the rate of production

by Louis Even on Sunday, October 01, 2017.

The centenary of Social Credit

by Louis Even on Saturday, April 30, 2016.

A Basic Income through a Social Dividend

by Alain Pilote on Tuesday, March 01, 2016.

Finland will give $1,200 a month to each citizen

“Usury is a sin that cries out in the presence of God”

on Tuesday, March 01, 2016.

To live the Jubilee is to seek the good of the brother in need

Is a $25-Billion Deficit Good for the Canadian Economy?

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 2016.

The absurdity lies in counting as debt wealth the population has itself produced

A Better World Through Social Credit

on Friday, January 01, 2016.

The powers of the financial dictatorship

by Louis Even on Thursday, October 01, 2015.

To request social credit from Mary

by Louis Even on Saturday, August 01, 2015.

Banks really do create money out of nothing

on Saturday, August 01, 2015.

A new financial system that respects God’s plan for His Creation

by Alain Pilote on Friday, May 01, 2015.

Social Credit can dramatically reduce the waste of resources while promoting development of the human person

Money, or Credit, is a Social Instrument

by Louis Even on Sunday, March 01, 2015.

To Issue it, Should be the Role of Society

It is Just Money And Should only be at the Service of Man

by Yves Jacques on Sunday, March 01, 2015.

The Bank of Canada does not fulfill its function

by Alain Pilote on Sunday, March 01, 2015.

It is sued in Federal Court by a group of citizens

A Synopsis of Social Credit

on Thursday, January 01, 2015.

The mobilization of credit for production

by Louis Even on Wednesday, October 01, 2014.

Money is only a symbol

on Thursday, May 01, 2014.

Real wealth is products

Historical notes on Social Credit

by Louis Even on Thursday, May 01, 2014.

The origins of the Movement founded by Louis Even

Give The People Money

on Thursday, May 01, 2014.

Social Credit Economics

on Saturday, March 01, 2014.

“The true purpose of economic association is to deliver the goods and services which individuals desire, and to do this with the least amount of trouble to anyone.”

Financing consumers

by Louis Even on Wednesday, January 01, 2014.

The importance of the money question

by Louis Even on Tuesday, October 01, 2013.

“Wake up mankind, refuse usury”

on Tuesday, October 01, 2013.

Reflections of Bishop Mathieu Madega Lebouakehan of Gabon

A few questions and principles on Social Credit

by Louis Even on Thursday, August 01, 2013.

Before getting into technical details, one must admit principles

The Africans enrol themselves in the fight for justice

by Marcel Lefebvre on Wednesday, May 01, 2013.

The problem of poverty in Africa

on Wednesday, May 01, 2013.

Louis Even, prophet of distributive justice

Economic security for each human person

by Louis Even on Wednesday, May 01, 2013.

God multiplies bread; it is up to us to distribute it

Money has become a god and a tyrant

by Louis Even on Wednesday, May 01, 2013.

A Dividend to All for the Distribution of God’s Generous Abundance

by Louis Even on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

“Social Credit would benefit everyone, most especially the poor”

Social Credit: a major breakthrough

on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

Shark teeth

by Louis Even on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

A tale for children and grown-ups

No money!

by Louis Even on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

Amazing expansion of Social Credit in Africa

by Yvette Poirier on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

Social Credit and the Kingdom of God (part 1 & 2)

on Tuesday, January 01, 2013.

“The future of Christian civilization depends on those who have grasped Douglas’ idea”

For the primacy of the human person

by Louis Even on Monday, October 01, 2012.

What Social Credit proposes

by Louis Even on Monday, October 01, 2012.

The Rights of All to the Goods of the Earth

by Louis Even on Wednesday, August 01, 2012.

Talk of Louis Even at the Congress of Trois Rivieres

The scandal of poverty amidst plenty

by Marcel Lefebvre on Tuesday, May 01, 2012.

A brief outline of Social Credit, Part II

on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

A murderous and violent financial system

on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

A brief outline of Social Credit, Part I

on Sunday, January 01, 2012.

A Brief Summary of Social Credit

on Monday, August 01, 2011.

Goods at the service of needs through Social Credit

on Sunday, May 01, 2011.

Summary of the week of study assisted by ten bishops from Africa

How to finance public works in a Social Credit system

by Alain Pilote on Sunday, May 01, 2011.

A bridge built without taxes

Social Credit is not a monopoly of the State

by Louis Even on Tuesday, March 01, 2011.

What does Social Credit want?

by Louis Even on Saturday, January 01, 2011.

Social Credit: not socialism, not a political party

by Alain Pilote on Saturday, January 01, 2011.

The Monster

by Louis Even on Saturday, January 01, 2011.

Social Credit in brief

by Louis Even on Friday, October 01, 2010.

Clifford Hugh Douglas and Louis Even, men of genius, benefactors of mankind

on Friday, October 01, 2010.

Bishop Basile Tapsoba of Burkina Faso

Commitment for the liberation of the poor

on Friday, October 01, 2010.

"It is today that we must commit ourselves for the liberation of the poor"

Economic democracy

by Alain Pilote, Diane Boucher on Friday, October 01, 2010.

To distribute God's abundance

Social Credit unites us

on Friday, October 01, 2010.

“Clifford Hugh Douglas and Louis Even, men of genius, benefactors of mankind”

on Friday, October 01, 2010.

Bishop Basile Tapsoba of Burkina Faso

Capitalism versus Communism

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 2010.

Capitalism versus Communism

Can Social Credit be applied in developing countries?

by Louis Even on Wednesday, September 30, 2009.

An overview of Social Credit

on Thursday, April 30, 2009.

A new financial system that respects God’s plan for His Creation

by Alain Pilote on Thursday, January 01, 2009.

Words of appreciation for Social Credit

by Bernard Cardinal Agré on Monday, September 01, 2008.

Social Credit explained in 10 lessons - Lesson 10

by Alain Pilote on Thursday, November 01, 2007.

Social Credit and the Social Doctrine of the Church (Part II)

“Social Credit is a treasure”

on Saturday, September 01, 2007.

Demystifying money and its role

on Saturday, September 01, 2007.

Social Credit explained in 10 lessons - Lesson 9

by Alain Pilote on Saturday, September 01, 2007.

Social Credit and the Social Doctrine of the Church (Part I)

The money deception

on Saturday, September 01, 2007.

The Real Owners of Money

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Sunday, July 01, 2007.

The great thieves that the Social Crediters are taking on

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Wednesday, November 01, 2006.

Those who never give up

by Louis Even on Wednesday, November 01, 2006.

The Social Credit proposals explained in 10 lessons

by Alain Pilote on Friday, September 01, 2006.

A study prepared by Alain Pilote

The basic principles of Social Credit

by Louis Even on Saturday, April 01, 2006.

Let’s give $12,000 to housewives

on Sunday, January 01, 2006.

Large families are the strength of a nation

The gap between money and prices

on Sunday, January 01, 2006.

The Social Credit conception of democracy

by Louis Even on Sunday, January 01, 2006.

Less power for governments, more power for individuals

The flow and cancellation of money

on Saturday, October 01, 2005.

The physical basis of Social Credit

on Saturday, October 01, 2005.

Money has become a tyrannical god

by Louis Even on Monday, August 01, 2005.

Money is a weapon of control instead of being a tool to serve

Social Credit aims at a new civilization

on Monday, August 01, 2005.

Among humans and among animals

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Monday, August 01, 2005.

Towards economic security for the individual

by Louis Even on Saturday, January 01, 2005.

Social Credit and the A + B Theorem

on Saturday, January 01, 2005.

Reflections of a New Zealand Social Crediter

on Saturday, January 01, 2005.

Social Credit and Australia

on Friday, October 01, 2004.

A study of Social Credit by nine theologians

on Friday, October 01, 2004.

A brief outline of Social Credit

by Victor J. Bridger on Sunday, August 01, 2004.

The basis for financial credit

by Wallace M. Klinck on Saturday, May 01, 2004.

What can economic science do to get Social Credit applied?

by Diane Boucher on Monday, March 01, 2004.

The young people want a new financial system

by Louis-Marie Roy on Thursday, January 01, 2004.

They want to benefit from the fruits of modern technology

Social Credit, a scientific technique of finance

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Wednesday, October 01, 2003.

Progress in the wallet and production make the “able to pay” correspond to the “able to produce”

The Government does not create money

by Louis Even on Friday, August 01, 2003.

It taxes and borrows to have some Money is but a permit to obtain the things that are waiting

Social Credit: humanism and common sense

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Thursday, May 01, 2003.

A financial system that serves the human person

We shall not obtain Social Credit through politicians

by Louis Even on Saturday, March 01, 2003.

But through humble apostles who bring about God's action

In Argentina, 50 children die of hunger every day

by Thérèse Tardif on Wednesday, January 01, 2003.

A country nicknamed the world's cereal attic
A honest monetary system would solve the problem

As the people build, the people get into debt

by Louis Even on Wednesday, January 01, 2003.

What should be corrected!

by Louis Even on Tuesday, October 01, 2002.

To solve the problem of poverty

by Louis Even on Wednesday, May 01, 2002.

It is urgent to put an end to the scandal of poverty in the world

by Alain Pilote on Wednesday, May 01, 2002.

The most urgent reform: to correct the financial systempoverty in Ethiopia

It's time people knew the money trick

on Friday, March 01, 2002.

Banks hold the power of life and death over the economy

Canada is rich in real wealth - The Canadians are poor

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Tuesday, January 01, 2002.

The Canadians are poor

Banking control over all nations

on Monday, October 01, 2001.

A sound and effective financial system

on Tuesday, May 01, 2001.

Why not have a guaranteed annual income?

by Alain Pilote on Thursday, March 01, 2001.

Social Credit puts money in its proper place

by Louis Even on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Plenty of goods in front of financial rationing

by Louis Even on Monday, January 01, 2001.

There must be an equality between money-figures and price-figures

Why pay taxes ?

by Louis Even on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Why do We Always Accuse High Finance?

by Louis Even on Monday, January 01, 2001.

Present economic conditions come from a false and perverted system

by Louis Even on Wednesday, March 01, 2000.

In love with taxes?

by Louis Even on Wednesday, March 01, 2000.

Social Credit is not a State monopoly

on Saturday, January 01, 2000.

Towards Pharaonism

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 1999.

The creation of money by banks

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 1999.

A summary of Social Credit

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 1999.

The economy has lost its end

by Louis Even on Friday, May 01, 1998.

The economy has lost its end

"Why I have become a Social Credit apostle"

on Friday, May 01, 1998.

An interview with Dr. Szczesny Górski

Who does money belong to?

by Louis Even on Sunday, March 01, 1998.

Today's problem is not to produce, but to pay

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Sunday, March 01, 1998.

There is no unemployment problem, but a problem of money

Governments are Banks' accomplices

on Sunday, March 01, 1998.

Let us clarify the confusion about money and economics

on Sunday, March 01, 1998.

The solution is to have money created interest free by the Bank of Canada

Governments, cease to be puppets of the Bankers

by Yvette Poirier on Thursday, January 01, 1998.

Currency speculation

on Thursday, January 01, 1998.

Capitalism, not Communism

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 1971.

Social Credit is a conviction we firmly hold

by Louis Even on Sunday, February 01, 1970.

It is a philosophy of economic life

Social Credit is a conviction we firmly hold

Present taxes must disappear

by Louis Even on Wednesday, December 31, 1969.

To promote the good of every man and of the whole man

by Louis Even on Friday, February 28, 1969.

In economics, with Social Credit

Social Credit, for a healthy economy

by Louis Even on Tuesday, October 01, 1968.

Douglas conceived Social Credit in 1917

on Tuesday, August 01, 1967.

The same year as the Apparitions at Fatima

Increased Automation, Blessing or Calamity?

by Louis Even on Sunday, July 15, 1962.

The greatest swindle of all times

by Louis Even on Thursday, March 15, 1962.

Society is robbed of its wealth, the country’s debt grows as it produces

The cost of living — The “just price”

by Louis Even on Monday, May 15, 1961.

For a better world, a Social Credit community

by Louis Even on Wednesday, June 15, 1960.

A philosophy of brotherhood based on Christianity

No road this way!

on Sunday, May 01, 1960.

Social Credit, not through a political party, but through education

The culprit? - Finance, not private enterprise

by Louis Even on Friday, April 01, 1960.

What will the world of tomorrow be?

by Louis Even on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

The all-powerful dictatorship of money

by Louis Even on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

What will be the world of tomorrow ?

by Louis Even on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

Social Credit and the individual

on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

The Control of Credit

by Louis Even on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

Towards Centralization

on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

The creation of money

on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

A Catholic priest on Social Credit

on Tuesday, March 01, 1960.

What price economic slavery ?

on Monday, February 01, 1960.

Constant disparity between purchasing power and prices

by Louis Even on Monday, February 01, 1960.

Our money system must be reformed!

on Monday, February 01, 1960.

A federal MP expresses his views on the existing system

"Too many comforts” according to Mr. Coyne

on Monday, February 01, 1960.

?Unemployment — its causes and those responsible

by Louis Even on Monday, February 01, 1960.

Mr. Coyne is fooling no one !

on Friday, January 01, 1960.

Greetings to 1960 !

on Friday, January 01, 1960.

For another year of Social Credit progress

Strikes Maim Our Economy

on Friday, January 01, 1960.

Automation and Social Credit

on Friday, January 01, 1960.

Social Justice Demands Social Credit...

on Friday, January 01, 1960.

For an effective fight against inflation

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

Our Monetary Policy is Simply Criminal

by Louis Even on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

The restriction of credit

A Swindle of 26½ Million Pounds

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

The Debt We Owe...

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

Debt — the organized evil

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

The Correct Use of Money

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.


The poor are yet with us

on Tuesday, December 01, 1959.

The spirit of charity does not exclude the fulfillment of justice

Tight Money a Proof of Financial Dictatorship

on Sunday, November 01, 1959.

How long will the people put up with it?

Taxation is the greatest injustice of our age

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Sunday, November 01, 1959.

Dictatorship and Democracy

by Louis Even on Sunday, November 01, 1959.

In the service of a doctrine and not of a party

by Louis Even on Thursday, October 01, 1959.

Modern money is a matter of accounting

by Louis Even on Thursday, October 01, 1959.

Just Who Are the Irresponsible?

on Saturday, August 01, 1959.

What Is Social Credit ?

on Saturday, August 01, 1959.

The biggest thief of all is still at large!

by Louis Even on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

To the Government decision; to the Bank execution

by Louis Even on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

In the Service of Theft

on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

A Word On Taxation

on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

In Opposition To Centralisation

by Louis Even on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

The banks do create money

on Wednesday, July 01, 1959.

Social Credit, the pattern for liberty

on Monday, June 01, 1959.

Regarding Strikes and the Drift Towards Socialism

by Louis Even on Monday, June 01, 1959.

Restore to the people the control of their own wealth

by Louis Even on Friday, May 01, 1959.

Donald Fleming's budget

on Friday, May 01, 1959.

New Brunswick – a Concentration Camp

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Friday, May 01, 1959.

An Ubiquitous and Voracious Rodent

by Louis Even on Friday, May 01, 1959.

Social Credit, a Subject of Infinite Possibility

on Friday, May 01, 1959.

The nearest parallel I can give to the philosophy of Social Credit is that of a well-cut diamond of many facets. As we turn it in our hands it reveals ever new beauty and brilliance.


The Unions and the Criminal Code

on Friday, May 01, 1959.

Rip Van Winkle Awakes

on Friday, May 01, 1959.

The Emerging Pattern of Enslavement

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

For the Construction of New Hospitals

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

Let the Bank of Canada issue new credits without interest

— and the Vicar on work and leisure

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

Work and the Christian

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

What We Stand For

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.


on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

Work Is a Means, Not an End

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

Social Credit Political Action

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

How about Social Credit, Mr. Meany ?

on Wednesday, April 01, 1959.

Financial Insurance for all with liberty for the individual

by Louis Even on Sunday, March 01, 1959.

Instead of obligatory health insurance, taxes and shackles

Bond Conversion Means Millions For Finance!

on Sunday, March 01, 1959.

Man Versus Providence

on Sunday, March 01, 1959.

Municipalities in Financial Distress

by Louis Even on Sunday, February 01, 1959.

Contradictions Born of a Perverted System

by Louis Even on Sunday, February 01, 1959.

Account Due of 430 Millions !

on Sunday, February 01, 1959.

The Universality of Social Credit

on Sunday, February 01, 1959.

Credit Without Interest by The Bank of Canada

by Louis Even on Sunday, February 01, 1959.

Credit Without Interest Ву The Bank of Canada for municipalities, for school commissions, for private enterprise

Make Finance Reflect Facts and Serve Men

on Thursday, January 01, 1959.

For new credits, interest-free, by the Bank of Canada, to finance new production

Another Step Forward

on Thursday, January 01, 1959.

Health Insurance — Just Another Tax!

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Thursday, January 01, 1959.

N.B. Citizens Taken In Again

Why Term Automation a "Problem"?

on Thursday, January 01, 1959.

“Social Credit: A light onto my path” - Part I

by Louis Even on Wednesday, December 31, 1958.

A speech given by Louis Even in 1959

“Social Credit: A light onto my path" - Part II

by Louis Even on Wednesday, December 31, 1958.

A speech given by Louis Even in 1959

At Arvida - A $300,000 Legalised Robbery

on Monday, December 01, 1958.

Twelve People Lodged In a Stable

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Monday, December 01, 1958.

Each a Capitalist – To Each a Dividend

by Louis Even on Saturday, November 01, 1958.

Taxation, No Necessity. It should Be Abolished

on Saturday, November 01, 1958.

Social Credit, to Check Centralization

on Wednesday, October 01, 1958.

For a Bank of Canada at the Service of Canadians

on Wednesday, October 01, 1958.

21 Houses Demolished for Reason of Taxes

by Gilberte Côté-Mercier on Monday, September 01, 1958.

Social Credit, a Job for the People Themselves

on Monday, September 01, 1958.

Why suffer this oppressive financial nonsense?

by Louis Even on Friday, August 01, 1958.

A Billion Dollar Deficit Would Be Better Still

by Louis Even on Tuesday, July 01, 1958.

Social Credit Study Yields to Party Cult

on Tuesday, July 01, 1958.

Alberta Youth Ignorant of Social Credit

on Tuesday, July 01, 1958.

The Union of Electors' Annual Congress

Towards Social Credit by apostolate and tenacity

by Louis Even on Sunday, June 15, 1958.

The Crisis of a Lost Economy

on Sunday, June 01, 1958.

A civilization of men financially free

by Louis Even on Thursday, May 01, 1958.

Family Allowances

on Thursday, May 01, 1958.

Social Credit — A Time for Re-birth

on Thursday, May 01, 1958.

Control of Credit - Control of Life

on Thursday, May 01, 1958.

The Myth of Balanced National Budgets

by Louis Even on Tuesday, April 01, 1958.

One Statement — Two Fallacies

by Louis Even on Tuesday, April 01, 1958.

To finance municipalities, school boards and other public bodies

by Louis Even on Saturday, March 01, 1958.

Mr. Brooks Looks To The Bank of Canada

on Saturday, March 01, 1958.

Is Taxation Less a Crime than Robbery ?

by Louis Even on Saturday, February 01, 1958.

To Eliminate the Purely Financial Problems

on Saturday, February 01, 1958.

Social Credit and State Health Insurance

by Louis Even on Wednesday, January 01, 1958.

Social Credit: economic democracy

by Louis Even on Sunday, July 01, 1956.

"Full Employment" — a materialistic policy

on Sunday, July 01, 1956.


"Full Employment" — a materialistic policy (Copy)

on Sunday, July 01, 1956.


Fighting the Loan in Three Rivers

on Sunday, July 01, 1956.

What Caesars Get our Taxes ?

by Louis Even on Sunday, July 01, 1956.

A Social Credit Woman Speaks to Women

on Sunday, July 01, 1956.

"Eminent Economists” or Quacks?

on Sunday, July 01, 1956.

To make financially possible what is physically possible

by Louis Even on Tuesday, May 01, 1956.

An All-out Attack on Property

on Sunday, April 01, 1956.

Dividends for Albertans

on Thursday, March 01, 1956.

Social Crediters, Champions of the Individual

on Thursday, March 01, 1956.

Lesson from a Bank Note

by Louis Even on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Van Horne's Maiden Speech in the House of Commons

on Wednesday, February 01, 1956.

Where Would the Money Go?

on Thursday, December 01, 1955.

Irresponsible Statements

on Thursday, December 01, 1955.

Municipal Finance and Social Credit

on Tuesday, November 01, 1955.

The Vital Question: Who Shall Control?

on Tuesday, November 01, 1955.

Letter from Ontario

on Tuesday, November 01, 1955.

Does Automation Mean Leisure?

on Saturday, October 01, 1955.

The Most Evil Policy of All

on Saturday, October 01, 1955.

Social Credit in Ontario

on Saturday, October 01, 1955.

Before Quebec's Parliament Buildings

on Thursday, September 01, 1955.

Labour or Leisure?

on Thursday, September 01, 1955.

The Meaning of Money

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

Jacques-Cartier Municipal Meeting

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

The Question of Sovereignty

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

A Word from the Editor

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

The Great March On Quebec

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

“Dual Government"

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

The Alberta Election

on Monday, August 01, 1955.

Notes on Social Credit

on Friday, July 01, 1955.

Food For Thought

on Friday, July 01, 1955.

How Canadians Are Dispossessed

on Friday, July 01, 1955.

United States Once Used Their Social Credit

on Wednesday, June 01, 1955.

Social Engineering

on Wednesday, June 01, 1955.

The Monument Needs Repairs

on Wednesday, June 01, 1955.

"Favourable Balance of Trade"

on Wednesday, June 01, 1955.

Food for Thought

on Wednesday, June 01, 1955.

"Strait Gate and Narrow Way"

Our Cultural Heritage

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

The Policy of Which Philosophy ?

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

Our Cultural Heritage

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

Social Credit in Australia (May 1955)

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

This Paper's Policy

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

The Menace of Governments

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

The Christian's Duty ?

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

Abolish or Reform the Senate?

on Sunday, May 01, 1955.

Economic Democracy, the Answer to Socialism

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

A Lord Mayor Supports Social Credit

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

"Democracy Begins with Me"

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

A Picture of Facts

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

The Quebec Social Crediters' Congress of 1954

on Wednesday, December 01, 1954.

Social Credit and Labour Problems

by Louis Even on Sunday, August 01, 1954.

America's Plague of Plenty

on Sunday, August 01, 1954.

The Importance of Social Credit

on Sunday, August 01, 1954.

Should Be a Blessing — Is a Curse

on Sunday, August 01, 1954.

What they are afraid of

on Sunday, August 01, 1954.

A stupid, inexplicable, and inhuman dictatorship

by Louis Even on Thursday, July 01, 1954.

How many horse-power?

on Monday, March 01, 1954.

Exit, Taxation — Enter, Social Credit

by Louis Even on Monday, March 01, 1954.

The power to tax is the power to destroy

From taxation to dividends

by Louis Even on Monday, March 01, 1954.

The Future of this Paper

on Monday, March 01, 1954.

The Social Credit Idea

on Friday, January 01, 1954.

Fundamental Rights of Man

on Friday, January 01, 1954.

Why Fat in War and Lean in Peace ?

by Louis Even on Friday, January 01, 1954.

Money, an instrument of distribution

by Louis Even on Tuesday, September 01, 1953.

Our economic liberation through Social Credit

by Louis Even on Tuesday, April 21, 1953.

A few points from the lecture given by Louis Even at the University of Montreal on April 21, 1953

Unemployment, a condemnation of the financial system

by Louis Even on Saturday, March 01, 1952.

Guernsey's monetary experiment

by Louis Even on Wednesday, November 01, 1944.

The pen that rules the world

by Louis Even on Sunday, June 01, 1941.

Accessing Goods Requires Money-Tickets

by Louis Even on Saturday, February 15, 1941.

The Money Myth Exploded

by Louis Even on Sunday, January 01, 1939.

The financial enigma resolved: A debt-money system

The Money Myth Exploded

The Money Myth Exploded, written in 1936, is one of Louis Even's first articles and it remains, to this day, a favorite to explain how money is created.

From Parable to Reality

by Louis Even on Sunday, January 01, 1939.

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