Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City on February 13, 2016, with the Bishops of Mexico. |
In his homily during the Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City on February 13, 2016 (see picture), Pope Francis used the example of Juan Diego, to whom the Blessed Virgin Mary had appeared, to make us understand that even though we feel powerless and useless, we can still change the world. On that morning in December 1531, the Virgin Mary told Juan Diego that she had chosen him to build a shrine on this spot. Pope Francis explained:
“On that morning, Juan Diego experienced in his own life what hope is, what the mercy of God is. He was chosen to oversee, care for, protect and promote the building of this Shrine. On many occasions he said to Our Lady that he was not the right person; on the contrary, if she wished the work to progress, she should choose others, since he was neither learned nor literate and did not belong to the group who could make it a reality. Mary, who was persistent — with that persistence born from the Father’s merciful heart — said to him: he would be her ambassador.
“In this way, she managed to awaken something he did not know how to express, a veritable banner of love and justice: no one could be left out of the building of that other shrine, the shrine of life, the shrine of our communities, our societies and our cultures. We are all necessary, especially those who normally do not count because they are not ‘up to the task’ or because ‘they do not have the necessary funds’ to build all these things. God’s Shrine is the life of his children, of everyone in whatever condition… The Shrine of God is our families that need the basic necessities to develop and progress.”
Every human life is important, no matter our condition. That is why it is always important to denounce euthanasia and abortion. All require a minimum of money to live, and this is why the idea of a basic income guaranteed to all, without conditions, is gaining more and more ground. The problem that remains is how to finance it. This is where the Social Credit dividend would be infinitely preferable, because with Social Credit principles this unconditional income to all would be financed not by tax increases, but with credit created by society.
People are right to worry about tomorrow: will they have enough to live, shall we experiment a new world war or a world-wide economic crisis? Or are we simply afraid to tackle the all-powerful dictatorship of money, giving as a pretext that we can do nothing.
Yet, just as she told Juan Diego, the Virgin Mary says to us: “What, my most precious little one, saddens your heart? Am I not your mother? Am I not here?” Today, as she did with Juan Diego, she sends us to build new shrines, the lives of our brothers and sisters, who are also her children. In the Magnificat (Luke 1:52), Mary tells us that God “has pulled down princes from their thrones and raised high the lowly.”
With our help, God will also pull down the international banking and financial structures, to give back liberty and security to families, to the children of God.