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The new “Security Control” of the 21st Century

Written by Melvin Sickler on Wednesday, 31 December 1969. Posted in Microchips

Enslaving the human race with the microchip

There is a new tracking technology that will be used to tag every product in the world. The generic name for this technology is RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification chips. RFID tags were at first shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand.On February 14, 2007, Hitachi introduced the world's smallest and thinnest RFID chips, which measure just 0.05 x 0.05 millimeters. The previous record-holder, the Hitachi mu-chip, is just 0.4 x 0.4 millimeters. Take a look, on the picture below, at the size of the mu-chip RFID tag. (Yes, it is the three tiny black squares! ) Now, compare that with the new RFID tags. The "powder-type" tags are some sixty times smaller (see the picture below right). The new RFID chips have a 128-bit ROM for storing a unique 38 digit number, like their predecessor.

They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting their unique ID code. As you exit a store with items that have this RFID tag, RFID readers at the doorways will record the items you bought, automatically billing your account without the benefit of cash. Computers at the door will also pick up your GPS-enabled chip for your ID and match the e-PC code to bill your account.

One of the largest retail corperations is Wal-Mart, and they have adopted the RFID technology in their stores. In fact, in 2004 they had commissioned their suppliers to be in compliance with RFID by the end of the year, or they would not accept them as suppliers. Suppliers then invested huge amounts of money to install the new technology in their warehouses and products, Proctor and Gamble being one of the first of their suppliers to do so.

Smart Dust

There is another microchip called Smart Dust, and it's made up of thousands of tiny sensors called mote's, that have wireless communications devices that are attached to them and they are able to network themselves automatically. They are able to detect vibration, chemicals, radiation, biological agents, explosives, footsteps, voices, still images, and even video images and be able to transmit all gathered information of collection stations.

They are able to measure light and temperature, and when they are clustered together they are able to create very flexible, low-power networks. Currently experiments on humans have begun to apply the use of these motes to detect the onset of health problems, cancer, for example.

The United States Department of Defense has pledged 1.2 million for experiments with the Smart Dust. And a $127 million dollar project called Future Combat Systems is studying the use of "a new generation of soldiers" with the development of this nanotechnology they would be able to use the motes to gather intelligence, search buildings or blow them up.

These devices could also be used to identify and track people. For example, suppose you participated in some sort of protest or other organized activity. If police agencies sprinkled these tags around, every individual could be tracked and later identified at leisure with powerful tag scanners. This new RFID "powder" is so small that it can be worked into any product, or be incorporated into thin paper, like that used in money.

Now it was reported in the January 9, 2007 issue of "The Canadian" in an article by Lucien Desjardins that doctors in the United States and Europe are secretly moving to have the microchip implanted in newborns. It was revealed by a Dr. Kilde that then Prime Minister Olof Palme of Sweden had already given permission back in 1973 to implant prisoners, and Data Inspection's ex-Director General Jan Freese revealed that nursing-home patients were implanted in the mid-1980s.

One bad thing about having a microchip implanted in oneself is that fact that you could then be followed anywhere in the world. According to Dr. Kilde, "Today's microchips operate by means of low-frequency radio waves that target them.

With the help of satellites, the implanted person can be tracked anywhere on the globe." According to Dr. Kilde, brain functions can also be remotely monitored by supercomputers and even altered through the changing of frequencies.

In June of 2004 some government workers in Mexico, along with the former attorney general of Mexico, Rafael Macedo de la Concha, injected a microchip to have a "secure" access to restricted areas in the government buildings. Instead of using an ID card or key with the RFID inside, they simply had the chip injected into their arm. To add to that, over 1,000 Mexicans have had a microchip implanted inside them for medical reasons.

At the Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, you can find an exclusive item added to the menu, in the form of a microchip about the size of a grain of rice. This is another instance in which the Verichip is being used for identification purposes, when people enter the club to buy drinks it keeps a count of the customer's expenditures and identification. The RFID is injected by a nurse under a local anesthetic upon the customer's arrival to the club.

This particular chip is dormant unless a tag-reader is waved close to the customer's arm, in which case a radio signal makes the chip transmit the identification number which is used to get information about the customer from a database.

The Hackensack Medical University in New Jersey is promoting the VeriMed, which is the same thing as Verichip. Dr. Joseph Fulman is the Chairman of the Emergency Medicine at Hackensack University. Recent reports given on their website indicate that 620 hospitals around the country have installed the technology and over 1,300 doctors have chosen to over VeriMed to their patients. (

New airport technology

At the University College London, the EU is currently funding a project called the "Optag" system which will be used to "enhance airport security, safety and efficiency". These Optag RFID's would ensure that all passengers are monitored by video as soon as they pass through the terminal buildings. Many of these different forms of RFID tags are currently being used by large corporations, and many more will join in the near future.

The global plan

A few months back, Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo stated on a radio interview that he was approached by Nick Rockefeller and asked to join the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Russo refused, but he asked Rockefeller: "What's the point of all this? You have all the money in the world you need, you have all the power you need, so what's the point, what's the end goal?" Rockefeller replied (paraphrasing): "The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world."

Some may argue that there is no way whole populations will accept being micro-chipped, that it sounds too much like a science-fiction fantasy. Yet we know that this is exactly what the program of the one world people is!

Possible approaches

So what kind of approach will they take to make us accept the microchip? Kevin Haggerty wrote an article entitled "One generation is all they need" in the Dec, 10, 2006 issue of The Toronto Star, giving a scenario of chips being first implanted in members of stigmatized groups like pedophiles, terrorists, drug dealers, people society considers to be the "worst of the worst." Then accused individuals will be tagged to stop them from fleeing justice. Prisoners will welcome this development, since only chipped inmates will be eligible for parole, weekend release, or community sentences.

But this will only cover a small segment of society. Other stigmatized groups will therefore have to be targeted, like those on welfare, for example. Welfare recipients will need to be monitored to reduce fraud, enhance efficiency, and to ensure that the poor do not receive "undeserved" benefits.

Employers will then start to expect implants as a condition for getting a job. The U.S. military will lead the way by requiring chips for all soldiers as a means to enhance battlefield command and control – and to identify human remains. Then the massive security sector will follow.

Security guards, police officers, and correctional workers will all be expected to have a chip. Individuals with sensitive jobs will find themselves in the same position. The media will then probably build up a case about a child that was abducted and abused or murdered so that parents will want all their children to be chipped. Hospitals will then begin to require a chip in order to receive medical treatment.

Special deals will be offered to those who are chipped. Companies will offer discounts to individuals who pay by using funds stored on their embedded chip. New household technology will require a chip to operate everyday household appliances. Finding a computer or appliance that will run through old-fashioned "hands on" technology will become progressively more difficult. Having a chip will almost have to be a must to participate in the main dynamics of modern life, like shopping and driving.

Those who still refuse to take the chip will be accused to trying to hide something. They will also have to constantly deal with delays and inconveniences reserved for the un-chipped.

Then, as a last resort, those who still refuse totake the chip will be declared enemies of the state and brought to special camps where they will be tortured and even murdered if they do not submit to the "Antichrist" who will require all inhabitants of the earth to be chipped. So what could start as being a supposedly good thing will end up becoming a way to enslave mankind.

Refuse the microchip

Without this new high-tech identification for the new global cashless eletronic society. you will not be identified so you will not be able to buy or sell. Everyone should refuse to take the microchip, for it has been proven in laboratory tests that the waves emitted by the chip could change human behavior, affect brain waves, and move parts of your body against your will.

Melvin Sickler

For more information on the microchip, check out: by Katherine Albrecht.

About the Author

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler is a remarkable apostle. He does the door-to-door Rosary Crusade all over Canada and the United States to solicit subscriptions to Michael, and hold meetings.

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