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Let us fight the North American Union

Written by Melvin Sickler on Monday, 01 September 2008. Posted in North American Union

and work for the salvation of souls

People often ask the question: "Why do you do this work? What motivates you to work as a missionary for no salary?"

In the work of the Pilgrims of St. Michael we learn to be apostles, we learn what it means to work for the love of our neighbour. We learn to work for the common good, to make sacrifices, to renounce ourselves. In summery, we could say that we learn to live our faith.

We know that there is nothing more precious in the eyes of the Eternal Father then the soul. Today, we live in a world were few people still pray, where there is more sin then ever before. We live in an age were more souls are daily falling into hell, like snowflakes falling during a winter snowstorm. Many souls fall into hell because there are so few who pray and make sacrifices for their conversation.

We see a great need to bring back the practice of reciting the daily rosary in the families, to educate the people on the importance of the sacraments of the Church, especially frequent confession and to encourage adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There is a great need to evangelize all over the world, to reach out to all our brothers and sisters and to help each one experience the love and mercy of God. With our journals in four languages and our leaflets in twelve languages, we have the means to make this kind of apostolate a reality. Saving souls from hell should be one of our main priorities. The more we help the souls in their spiritual life, the more treasure we will store up in heaven.

The apostolate in the temporal field

The work of the Pilgrims of St. Michael is special because we work on the temporal field. Pope Benedict XV said "Many souls are lost on the economic grounds." Pope Benedict XVI just said in one of his encyclicals, "In the family of God, no one ought to go without the necessities of life."

We read how each day, thousands of people die of hunger amidst all of this abundance. We read also in the encyclicals of the Popes that it is the duty of every Christian to work for a better economic system and how we sin by omission when we ignore the plight of these people, especially when we know the beautiful solution of Social Credit. We know that with the help of heaven we will some day see the philosophy of Social Credit applied in every country of the world to bring about the triumph of the Immaculate. As Pilgrims of St. Michael, we have the grace to actually do something to help all the poor in the world, by educating the people with our leaflets and our journals on the subject of money reform.

The North American Union

Another issue that we are concerned about is the merging of Canada, the United States and Mexico into one territory called the North American Union. Our freedoms are slowly being removed, and people don’t even realize it is happening. The government officials of Canada, the United States and Mexico have already signed agreements for this to become a reality without consulting either the Parliament of Canada or the Congress of the United States.

The "Amero" money for the three countries has already been printed. The micro-chip technology to replace all currencies is already in place. The European Union has been formed. The Asian Union has been formed. Finally the three Unions will be merged into a global government.

If we truly love our countries then we must speak up to our representatives to ban a North American Union. Through trade agreements the one world people want to take away all of our sovereign rights and eliminate the three countries. We must not let theses evil men usurp our liberties that our fore-fathers have fought and died for in all of our wars. Each home, each family should receive our leaflets against the "North American Union".

This is part of a blueprint for global enslavement. It is in the plan of the globalists that, in the near future, the earth will be dominated by a powerful world government. Once free nations will be enslaved to the will of the elite, it will be the dawn of a new dark age. Countries as we know them will be a thing of the past. Every form of independence will be under attack; the institutions, the families and the individual himself will be near extinction.

We will all be tested by an evil that has never been seen before in the history of mankind. We will all need to pray hard for strength and call upon the angels to protect our souls from this onslaught of evil.

We will need more young people to join us in this spiritual battle against evil, for it is indeed a supernatural war we are engaged in. I tell young people to pray to the Holy Spirit to guide them in choosing their vocation in life. Heaven has a plan for each one of us, and it is certainly in the plan of Heaven that the armies of Our Lady continue to grow throughout the world to fight the forces of evil. The Pilgrims of St. Michael is certainly one of these armies; in fact one of the most important ones.

Think about what a privilege it is to work with Heaven for the salvation of souls. Each day that is given to us in life is an opportunity for graces and good deeds. At our judgement, we will be held accountable for what we did with each day of our lives. We will be held accountable on how we loved God and our neighbour. We will be held accountable on how we used our gifts and talents given to us by God. We will be held accountable for both our sins of commission and omission. Each day we awake to is another opportunity to make use of the grace to help people and be useful in helping Heaven to save souls.

Going back to the original question: "Mr. Sickler, what is it that motivates you?" I guess you could summarize the answer by saying, love of God, love of neighbour and love of country.

I extend an invitation to everyone to join us in these battles to save souls and the peoples of the world from a global dictatorship. I invite everyone to order our leaflets to distribute in their surroundings and to ask others to also subscribe to our journals. Remember that the eventual victory will be with Heaven.

About the Author

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler is a remarkable apostle. He does the door-to-door Rosary Crusade all over Canada and the United States to solicit subscriptions to Michael, and hold meetings.

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