October, 2006
General: That all those who are baptized may mature in their faith and manifest it through clear, coherent and courageous choices in life.
Missionary: That the celebration of World Mission Day may everywhere increase the spirit of missionary animation and cooperation.
November, 2006
General: That, everywhere in the world, an end be put to all forms of terrorism.
Missionary: That through the effort of believers, together with the forces of society, the new and old chains which prevent the development of the African Continent may be broken.
December, 2006
General: That Christ, meek and humble of heart, may inspire leaders of nations to use power wisely and responsibly.
Missionary: That in every part of the world missionaries may live out their vocation with joy and enthusiasm, faithfully following in Christ's footsteps.
January 2007
General: That in our time, unfortunately marked by many episodes of violence, the Church's Bishops and priests may continue to indicate the way of peace and understanding among peoples.
Missionary: That the Church in Africa may become a constantly more authentic witness of the Good News of Christ and be committed, in every nation, to the promotion of reconciliation and peace.
February 2007
General: That the goods of the earth, given by God for all men, may be used wisely and according to criteria of justice and solidarity.
Missionary: That the fight against diseases and great epidemics in the Third World may find, in the spirit of solidarity, ever more generous collaboration on the part of the governments of all nations.
March 2007
General: That the Word of God may be ever more listened to, contemplated, loved and lived.
Missionary: That the training of catechists, organizers and lay people committed in the service of the Gospel may be the constant concern of those responsible for the young Churches.
April 2007
General: That, allowing himself to be enlightened and guided by the Holy Spirit, every Christian may answer enthusiastically and faithfully to the universal call to sanctity.
Missionary: That the number of priestly and religious vocations may grow in North America and the countries of the Pacific Ocean, in order to give an adequate answer to the pastoral and missionary needs of those populations.
May 2007
General: That, following the example of the Virgin Mary, all Christians should allow themselves to be guided by the Word of God and always remain attentive to the signs of the Lord in their own lives.
Missionary: That in mission territories there may be no lack of good and enlightened teachers in the major seminaries and in the Institutes of consecrated life.
June, 2007
General: That the Lord may protect sailors and all those involved in maritime activities.
Missionary: That the Church in North Africa may bear witness, with its presence and its action, to God's love for every individual and all people.
July, 2007
General: That all citizens, individually and in groups, may be enabled to participate actively in the life and management of the common good.
Missionary: That, aware of their own missionary duty, all Christians may actively help all those engaged in the evangelization of peoples.
August, 2007
General: That all those who are going through moments of inner difficulty and trial may find in Christ the light and support which leads them to discover authentic happiness.
Missionary: That the Church in China may bear witness to ever greater inner cohesion, and may manifest her effective and visible communion with Peter's Successor.
September, 2007
General: That the ecumenical assembly of Sibiu in Rumania may contribute to the growth of unity among all Christians, for whom the Lord prayed at the Last Supper.
Missionary: That following Christ joyfully, all missionaries may know how to overcome the difficulties they meet in everyday life.
October, 2007
General: That the Christians who are in minority situations may have the strength and courage to live their faith and persevere in bearing witness to it.
Missionary: That World Missionary Day may be a propitious occasion for kindling an ever greater missionary awareness in every baptized person.
November, 2007
General: That those dedicated to medical research, and all those engaged in legislative activity, may always have deep respect for human life, from its beginning to its natural conclusion.
Missionary: That in the Korean Peninsula the spirit of reconciliation and peace may grow.
December, 2007
General: That human society may be solicitous in the care of all those stricken with AIDS, especially children and women, and that the Church may make them feel the Lord's love.
Missionary: That the incarnation of the Son of God, which the Church celebrates solemnly at Christmas, may help the peoples of the Asiatic Continent to recognize God's Envoy, the only Saviour of the world, in Jesus.