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The coming miracle of the illumination of consciences

on Monday, 01 January 2001. Posted in Miracles

Every human being will see his own life and all he has done

The following information is taken from the "Our Lady Queen of Peace Newspaper - Illumination Edition, May 1, 2000" (published by the Pittsburgh Center for Peace, 6111 Steubenville Pike, McKees Rocks, PA 15136, USA).

From as far back as the 16th century, when St. Edmund Campion of England foretold of "a great day that would reveal all men's consciences," to the more recent comments of saints, mystics and visionaries, a coming "day of enlightenment" has been foretold. Each soul, during the moments of the illumination, will see his own life and all he has done in the very light of God. People will see themselves, as if standing before a mirror of truth or looking at an X-ray of their soul. This event will affect every human being on earth, with no exception for believers or non-believers, Christians and non-Christians. The miracle will be experienced everywhere at the same time. Even atheists will know there is a God, although they can reject or override this knowledge.

This miracle of the illumination of consciences, also called "the warning", the greatest act of the mercy of God in the history of mankind, will be like a presage of the "Particular Judgment" of every soul in the world, and serve as a "Judgment in miniature" for the entire world. This "Mini Judgment" will serve as a purification of sin. After seeing our souls in the truth of God, many of us will be transformed by grace and holiness. The visionaries say that God desires that they hasten to Him for forgiveness. (It has been prophesied that priests and pastors and all religious figures will find it difficult to keep up with the many, who will flock to them to seek their help.)

Father Richard Foley, S.J., wrote: "The miraculous illumination of our consciences will be an awesome event, divine in its origin and global in scope. Indeed, it is sure to make a mighty moral impact on the entire human race. For it will act on the conscience of each and everyone of the six-billion human beings inhabiting planet earth. This future event will clearly come into our world as a super-grace, bringing multitudes of people much closer to the God of the Commandments than they were before."

Here is the testimony of various saints and mystics:

Blessed Anna Maria Taigi (d. 1836): "A great purification will come upon the world preceded by an 'illumination of conscience' in which everyone will see themselves as God sees them."

Jesus said in 1931 to Sister Faustina Kowalska (d. 1938), the apostle of Divine Mercy, who was canonized by John Paul II on April 30, 2000:

"Write this, that before coming as Judge, I shall come first as the King of Mercy. Before the coming of that day of Justice, there will be a sign in the heavens. All light will be extinguished in heaven and on earth. Then will appear in the sky the sign of the Cross. From each of the wounds on My hands and feet will shine forth a light that will, for a brief time, brighten the earth. This will be a short time before the last day."

In Heede, Germany, in 1938, Jesus appeared to four children, and said to them: "Mankind will experience My love and My power. I will show them My justice and My Mercy... It will be terrible, a 'Minor Judgment.' I will make myself known to men. Every soul shall recognize Me as their God."

On August 5, 1968, Jesus said to Rosa Quattrini, a celebrated visionary from San Damiano, Italy: "I will soon come with 'a great light to convert a lot of souls,' and then Heaven and earth will tremble at My power. Then all souls will see the light, and all hearts will be set aflame with love for Me."

Father Stefano Gobbi, of Milan, Italy, was 42 when he first received interior locutions from the Virgin Mary. Then was born the Marian Movement of Priests which, in 28 years, has attracted tens of thousands of priests, bishops, and cardinals, as well as millions of laity worldwide. For years, Fr. Gobbi traveled the world, holding cenacles and prayer retreats, visiting almost every country in the world. He received his last message on December 31, 1997. Here are excerpts from various messages from the Virgin Mary concerning the coming illumination of consciences:

May 22, 1988, Feast of Pentecost:

"On this day of Pentecost of the Marian Year, consecrated to Me, I am calling upon you to unite your prayer to that of your heavenly Mother, to obtain the great gift of the Second Pentecost. The time of the Second Pentecost has come.

"The Holy Spirit will come, as a heavenly dew of grace and of fire, which will renew all the world. Under His irresistible action of love, the Church will open itself to live the new era of its greatest holiness, and will shine resplendently with so strong a light that it will attract to itself all the nations of the earth. The Holy Spirit will come, that the will of the heavenly Father be accomplished and the created universe once again reflect His great glory.

"The Holy Spirit will come, to establish the glorious reign of Christ, and it will be a reign of grace, of holiness, of love, of justice, and of peace. With His divine love, He will open the doors of hearts and illuminate all consciences. Every person will see himself in the burning fire of divine truth. It will be like a judgment in miniature."

October 2, 1992, Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels:

"What will come to pass is something so very great that it will exceed anything that has taken place since the beginning of the world. It will be like a judgment in miniature, and each one will see his own life and all he has done, in the very light of God."

May 22, 1994, Feast of Pentecost:

"A new and universal effusion of the Holy Spirit is necessary to arrive at the new times, so longed for. It is necessary that the Second Pentecost come quickly. It can come to pass only in the spiritual cenacle of My Immaculate Heart. For this reason, I renew today the invitation to all the Church to enter into the cenacle which the heavenly Mother has prepared for you for the final times. You are able to enter through the act of consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

"The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will coincide with the great prodigy of the second Pentecost. A new fire will come down from Heaven and will purify all humanity, which has again become pagan. It will be like a judgment in miniature, and each one will see himself in the light of the truth of God.

"Thus sinners will come back to grace and holiness; the straying, to the road of righteousness; those far away, to the house of the Father, the sick, to complete healing, and the proud, the impure, the wicked collaborators with Satan, will be defeated and condemned for ever. Then My motherly Heart will have its triumph over all humanity, which will return to a new marriage of love and of life with its Heavenly Father."

June 4, 1995, Feast of Pentecost:

"Tongues of fire will come down upon you all, My poor children, so ensnared and seduced by Satan and by all the evil spirits who, during these years, have attained their greatest triumph. And thus, you will be illuminated by this divine light, and you will see your own selves in the mirror of the truth and the holiness of God. It will be like a judgment in miniature, which will open the door of your heart to receive the great gift of divine Mercy.

"And then the Holy Spirit will work the new miracle of universal transformation in the heart and the life of all: sinners will be converted; the weak will find support; the sick will receive healing; those far away will return to the house of the Father; those separated and divided will attain full unity. In this way, the miracle of the second Pentecost will take place. It will come with the triumph of My Immaculate Heart in the world."

This illumination of consciences will spark the new springtime of the Church, the great evangelization of the world, and the era of peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. It will be the second Pentecost that will renew the world and change the face of the earth. Come, Holy Spirit, to prepare the reign of Christ, so that His will may finally "be done on earth as it is in Heaven"!

Comments (1)

  • Lourdes Vilar Manning

    14 June 2022 at 13:09 |
    I Hope this is TRUTH Come Lord Come Holy Spirit Fill the Hearts of Your Children and Fill Them with the Fire of Your Divine Love


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