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Prayer to Our Lady of Purity

on Tuesday, 01 May 2018. Posted in Prayers & Rosaries

Ô Lady of Purity, purest of virgins, tabernacle of the Most High, treasury of all graces, to Thee I have recourse in my needs, my sorrows, my temptations. Ô Mary, marvel of purity, I consecrate to Thee my eyes, my ears, my lips, my thoughts, my words, my heart, my actions so that the spirit of evil may never have the slightest claim on me, and that free from sin, I may serve God wholeheartedly and attain under your motherly patronage to eternal felicity, there to enjoy forever with You the possession of the Blessed Trinity. Amen.

Nihil obstat:-Paulus Lacouline, Censor

Imprimatur: + Lionellus Audet, V.G.

Quebeci, die 25 a martii 1954

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