There can be no real democracy while the most important factor in Government — the issue and control of credit (money) – remains in private hands, concerned only with personal profit. This is power without responsibility the growing despotism. No Government should be placed in a position subservient to an influence so irresponsible as the "money-power", darkly referred to as "the powers that bę." A democratically-elected government should be able to act independently and impartially towards all trading concerns, particularly when one trades in the community's life-blood — its Social Credit.
The money system should be scientifically regulated, not by politicians, but by a body of judicial statisticians, collating figures of production and consumption, not merely for the enrichment of the slick inventor, as today, but for the general well-being of the community as a whole. As it is, all governments in the so-called "free" world are compelled to borrow their way through their term of office.
The irresponsible power exercised by the financial system today is what is wrecking democracy. Changing governments every so often, while real power remains with the money-changers and usurers, is not democracy -- it is dictatorship of a very subtle and dangerous kind. Only Social Credit will correct that blatant anomaly, but "the powers that be" will resist to the last ditch. Do not expect much help from the rich and influential, but use your vote to retain what freedom as is left, before you lose that right, under Communism. That is YOUR fight. — H. S. Langridge."
The New Zealand Social Crediter
January 18, 1960