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Folly — Or Worse ?

on Tuesday, 01 November 1955. Posted in Politics

The following significant lines are from the well-informed British weekly newsletter, Candour (Oct. 21):

The sheer insanity of Western policies is illustrated by President Eisenhower-Baruch's most recent missive to the Soviet Government. This letter, made public last week, was addressed to Marshal Bulganin and contained an offer to accept Russia's proposal for stationing military inspection teams at key points in the United States and Russia. President Eisenhower-Baruch did not accept merely on behalf of the United States. The letter added:

"I have not forgotten your proposal having to do with stationing inspection teams at key points in all countries, and if you feel this would help create the better spirit I referred to, we could accept that too."

It is evidently assumed that "what goes" for Eisenhower-Baruch "goes" equally for the tame lettuces in charge of the British Government.

Yet this 'friendly' offer is made to a country pledged to the destruction of the Western world. Shortly before the Presidential letter was published Mr. Allen Dulles, director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said that the world-wide subversive activities of the Soviet Union were continuing unabated in spite of the 'smiling' of Soviet leaders. "Looking at the hard evidence that we have, I do not see that we have any real reason to believe that, certainly in the covert field and the field of subversion, there has been any relaxation whatever", he said.

Yet what is "hard evidence" to the silly dupe in Press and Politics who gush about the 'spirit of Geneva'? Let there be no doubt about it — another betrayal of Yalta-size dimensions is about to be hatched in the international financial incubator.

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