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The victory belongs to the apostles!

Written by Melvin Sickler on Monday, 01 October 2001. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

Reach our objectives

At the last Congress, I had signed to take 3,000 years of subscription. I managed to take 3,260, despite the death of my father, leaflet assaults, a conference tour in Ireland, and the preparation of the issues of "Michael"; all this took a lot of my time.

However, I made fruitful tours of apostolate with local workers, like Mrs. Simone Gingras of Ottawa, Mr. Paul-Emile Julien from Sudbury, Ont.; Mr. Henri Louis Blais from Hartford, Connecticut; Mr. Peter Sacco and Mr. Sal Barresi Jr. from Boston; Mrs. Kenneth Holmstadt from Plum City, Wisconsin, just to mention a few.

The last tour I made to reach my objective was in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in Southern Saskatchewan, and in North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin in the United States. When I returned back to the office, I was surprised to discover that I had taken 3,260 subscriptions, and that I was on the top of the list for taking subscriptions for the year. To me, it was a miracle! I was very content with the results for the year.

As full-time Pilgrims, we learn to remain loyal to the Cause and to be in obedience to the Directors. We have many duties to perform, such as writing the journal, printing the leaflets, fixing up the cars, etc. The main thing is that we all keep in the spirit of the Movement because we are all working for one goal, and that is to build the Kingdom of the Immaculate: to obtain our Social Credit and to work for the salvation of souls.

Make new apostles

One thing that I emphasized in this year of apostolate was the renewing of subscriptions. I told the local workers that we have to go back to see the people, once they have subscribed, to renew their subscriptions to keep them interested in the Movement, to make them Social Crediters, and to make them apostles for the Cause.

Many people had said to me when I visited them: "How come it takes you so long to come back?" They are waiting for our visit, which will encourage them to help our Movement even more. When we visit the families, we bring spirituality into the home. We must always keep in mind that we are working to save the souls of the people.

This past year I was able to use the car that my father had donated. The first thing that Rejean Lefebvre did when I brought the car onto the grounds was to put signs on it like "Death to Taxes" and "Income tax is robbery". I thought to myself, "This is alright for Canada, but what will the reaction of the people be in the United States?" To my delight, when I drove in the U.S., the people would pass me on the road honking their horns and showing their approval, or even stop to ask me questions on how we proposed to correct the financial system.

For example, when I was in North Dakota, a lady approached my car while I was having a break, and said, "Your signs on the car interested me. I have a patriotic paper and a radio program, and I would like to know what your Work is all about!" So I gave her a quick explanation, some leaflets, and she said she will be in contact with us. If I did not have the signs on my car, we would have never met.

Distribute leaflets

Another good point is to always have leaflets with you every place you go, in your car or in your pockets. They are a tremendous tool to reach the people with. You should use every occasion to give leaflets to others. When you go into a store to buy something, put a few leaflets on the counter for others to pick up. When you walk along a street, hand leaflets out to others. It helps the people to get interested in the journal.

Remain Social Crediters

In listening to the conferences given at the Congress, they always brought out the theme that we have to remain Social Crediters. We are very unique this way. We are a very complete Movement because we not only deal with the spiritual aspects, but also with the economic, working to put into application the social doctrine of the Church. And we have the solution to help the people in the Third World to alleviate world poverty.

When I was back in my home diocese in North Dakota, they were praying for some of the missionaries who had gone to various countries in Africa because they wanted to help the poor. And I would ask myself, "Are they teaching the philosophy of Social Credit to correct the financial system of these countries?" If you want to help the poor, you have to correct the financial system, not just work in the system. And that is a big difference!

A call on the youth

We have been listening to some interesting conferences about being an apostle. When we do the apostolate work of "Michael", we are doing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We are working to feed the hungry and clothe the naked by working for a better financial system, and we pray in the families to bring about the conversion of the people, so our apostolate work is complete; you could not ask for a more beautiful apostolate. Mrs. Mercier has stated many times that we should rejoice that we have been chosen to do this apostolate work, to be little instruments that work for the glory of God and the love of neighbor.

Many times when I leave on my tours of apostolate, I think about the little "Michael" houses in the various areas, of families who receive the Pilgrims in their homes to eat and sleep. And when I return back to the headquarters, we have our home for the men in the House of the Immaculate. But when Louis Even began the organization 66 years ago, he had to start with day one, from scratch. Now we have this beautiful established organization; we have our printing press that prints leaflets in eight different languages, and we have people all over the world who are willing to receive us.

Young people might be thinking about making a career for themselves. Their goal is to make millions of dollars during their lifetime. But what will be the future of money? There have been many articles in "Michael" stating that the future of money will be a microchip underneath the skin with the "666", the Mark of the Beast, spoken of in the Apocalypse of Saint John. So if you have your heart set on material wealth, you will have to accept the microchip, electronic money, in order to be able to buy and sell, which will mean the loss of your soul!

Because we do the apostolate work of "Michael", we will be given the grace to resist the microchip and the One-World Government, and we will keep the Faith. This is the main thing right now. Your soul is eternal! So young people, instead of getting all involved with the world, you would be much wiser to become an active apostle of "Michael".

The most important point is to keep our spiritual lives in order. Throughout the many years that I have been a full-time Pilgrim, I have known many people who were once active with our organization, but who have now not only fallen away, but who no longer even live in the state of grace. When we remain active in the apostolate, we are doing something positive, and we will have the grace to resist temptations. And we must pray every day for the grace of perseverance, for the road to Heaven is a very narrow road. Once you leave this road, it is very hard to get back on it.

Our Lady promised at Fatima that in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, and there will be an era of peace.

About the Author

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler

Melvin Sickler is a remarkable apostle. He does the door-to-door Rosary Crusade all over Canada and the United States to solicit subscriptions to Michael, and hold meetings.

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