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Big Social Credit Drive in New Brunswick

on Thursday, 01 March 1956. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

Circumstances have forced us to modify slightly our full-time programme in the province of New Brunswick.

The Prince Edward Island mission was well under way since, and in spite of the inevitable feeling of strangeness in an absolutely new territory, our two young missionaries had already raised 180 subscriptions in two weeks. But one of them, Roland Tessier, having broken one of his legs, had to return to Montreal with a plaster cast. It was then decided to direct his companion, Robert Leroux, who was alone and unable to speak a word of English, to New Brunswick where he would join with the others. We believe that it is more advantageous at the time to strike as forcibly as possible in the untouched territory of New Brunswick, so as to cover the whole province within a few months.

For this same reason we also recalled our three missioners from Nova Scotia, directing them to New Brunswick. We will take on the other two provinces again later, during summer.


Until recently, this periodical and its French-language companion, Vers Demain, enjoyed greater recognition in the north of New Brunswick and on its eastern border than in the other parts of the province. Our two journals are no strangers to the folks dwelling in the districts of Restigouche, Madawaska, Victoria, Gloucester, Kent and the vicinity of Moncton in the county of Westmoreland.

But we had, what might be called, only a nodding acquaintanceship with the people in the other counties, and that but recently mainly through the initiative of Mr. Arthur Sipprelle of Hartland (Carleton) and Mr. Wallace H. Linton of Welsford (Queens).

However, at the beginning of February, Antonio Mignault, Urbain Lajeunesse, Lucien Lambert and Robert Leroux began activities in the more populated areas of the south. They are taking subscriptions to both papers, depending upon the language of the people they happen to be visiting at the moment.

Even in this short time they have succeeded in recruiting some of the new subcribers into the ranks of active Social Crediters; those members pledged to gain an alloted number of subscriptions within a prescribed time. And already the white berets of Social Credit with their crimson and gold design are becoming a familiar sight in these regions. On February 6, Urbain Lajeunesse wrote:

"We have arrived in Hartland where we were received at the home of Mr. Sipprelle. He has given us the names of a number of prospects to visit. He has many contacts in a number of the localities of these districts. We signed up 25 new subscribers at Juniper where previously, there had been but 2, and at Bath we signed up 9.

"Mr. Sipprelle is laying plans for a meeting to take place in Hartland on March 24. For his part, Mr. Linton organized one at Welsford for February 15.

"This will mark the first assembly of the Union of Electors south of Fredericton. Hartland is 76 miles north-west of Fredericton; Welsford, 42 miles south of Fredericton and only 26 miles from St. John.".

Shortly afterwards, Mr. Lajeunesse wrote that Mr. Sipprelle and Mr. Linton had joined the number of our active members, pledging a quota of 3 subscriptions a week, 150 a year. They are proud to wear the white beret of our movement, and in some of their spare time they have accompanied our missioners in and about their home towns.

In St. John, our envoys were received by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Vital St-Onge. Both the father and daughter have become active members, with assigned quotas of subscriptions to bring in; the daughter goes from door to door with our missioners. A Social Credit Center has been set up in St. John. At present the weekly meetings are being held every Thursday at the home of Mr. Vital St-Onge, 10, Pitt Street.

Mr. and Mrs. St-Onge and Miss St-Onge have already won and are wearing the white beret of Social Credit.

Our men will resume their work in the southern constituencies of New Brunswick and down into the riding of Charlotte, whose representative at Ottawa, A. W. Stuart (with no more backbone than a jelly-fish), made a sorry attempt to ridicule Mr. Van Horne, the worthy new member of Restigouche-Madawaska, in the House of Commons.

While this part of our advance guard is thus moving into the south, Renaud Paris and Bernard Gaouette are busy in the north organizing the Crediters there for more intense activity, especially in the districts of Grand Falls, Edmundston, Campbellton and Bathurst.


To people who are familiar only with the operations of political party organizers, the manner in which the apostles of our movement work is something completely new. Our missioners don't put up at the Lord Beaverbrook Hotel when they arrive in Fredericton to carry on their work — nor in any plush hotel elsewhere for that matter. With simplicity and frankness they ask hospitality of the families with whom they happen to be when night falls; and they do likewise for their meals. They feel no embarrassment, for they themselves are of the people, and they go among the people, to help them liberate themselves from the shackles of financiers who tyrannize them and politicians who betray them.

The good people, quite unaccustomed to meeting such overtures on the part of political parties, are naturally somewhat surprised at first, perhaps a little on guard but the people are able to see the difference between us and political party hacks — they can recognize sincerity and unselfishness when they meet it. The members of our movement do not tell the people: "Vote for me and my party and we'll be your salvation." Never! That tired old refrain has produced exactly nothing for the people. We carry this message to our fellowmen:

"Enroll yourselves in our ranks and together we'll work out our welfare, not by winning seats in parliament but by forcing those who occupy seats to perform the duty efficiently and well. The real work of a representative should be done between election campaigns. And the more people there are to keep an eye on their representatives and let them know they are being watched, the better these men will do the work. Let us realize, that, deep down, we all desire the same things: a decent standard of living, economic security, and the freedom to plan our own lives, always making sure that we do nothing to hinder our neighbour from doing likewise. If, then, we all seek the same things, why do we draw apart into opposing camps? Rather we should unite and, together, demand what we all want."

This is the call we issue to rally the people on the field of politics. It is a message which our subscribers are coming to understand more and more clearly everyday through the careful study of their Social Credit paper. This, too, is the message which Crediters, going into action learn to apply more and more skillfully, thanks to the plan of operations laid down by our movement.

The Social Credit message will be borne to all parts of New Brunswick; and we hope to gain a good part of the population, both French speaking and English speaking, no matter what their political affiliations, by next June.

Social Credit Meeting in Hartland, N. B.

SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 8.00 P. M. Speakers: Urbain Lajeunesse, A. R. Sipprelle

and others - Questions are answered - Every body welcome. Admission is free

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