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on Wednesday, 01 February 1956. Posted in Social Credit apostolate

For the 16th anniversary of a Social Credit paper "Vers Demain", French Organ of the Social Credit Movement, Founded, Nov. 1939)


What does this result mean?

This magnificent result proves at least two things: 1. That the social credit movement has mobilized a fine battalion of devoted people who know how to give their leisure time to the cause, without asking for a cent of commission for their work; 2. That there is good response from the public because the ideas outlined in this paper are in accord with the profound aspirations of individuals and of families.

This paper fights against financial dictatorship

We ask that money obey instead of commanding; that finance conform itself to decisions instead of making them. That everything that is physically possible and asked for by the people, be made financially possible.

This paper fights against public loans

Not against public works, but against financing by loans which put the country in debt. Every new development is enriching and should be expressed actively, not passively. Every new production should be financed by a freeing of new credit and not by a new indebtedness.

This paper fights against taxes

We oppose all raising of taxes, whether it be by raising the assessment value or by raising the tax rate or by new taxes or by any other means whatsoever.

This paper calls for Social Credit

The establishment of Social Credit signifies:

A gradual and rapid reduction of taxes;

A lowering of the cost of living:

Lower prices for the purchaser without prejudice to the producer, without nationalizing industry, and without any expropriation of business concerns.

Guaranteeing at least what is necessary

by a periodic dividend to each individual, whether employed or not, and without impairing the income he may get from other sources.

Social Procedures

Social Credit asks that social measures be based, not on taxes, but on the immense production capacity of the country. This is why this paper stands for and promotes the following demands:

Doubling of Family Allowances:

Since the cost of living has doubled since 1945, the family allowance rate should be doubled so as to reach its proper value.

Old age pension of $60 at the age of 60:

Without means test, unconditionally, at the specified age. Industry no longer employs people who have reached the age of 60.

A real pension for the disabled:

To be given to all disabled persons who are incapable of earning a livelihood, and not, as is the case to-day, limited to those only who cannot walk by themselves or take their meals unassisted.

Real allowances for needy mothers:

At least $60 a month, plus $10 for each child in her charge.

*  *  *

The country is quite capable of furnishing all the production necessary to supply these demands. The problem to-day is not one of production but rather of distribution of products. In order to distribute it suffices to put money in step with the possibilities of production on one hand, and with human needs on the other hand.

The people understand this language and that is why they subscribe to our Social Credit publications.

Will governments eventually understand too? They must, under the ever-growing pressure of people who are becoming better informed and more and more determined to call for a more logical and more human financial system.

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