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Letters to the Editor

on Thursday, 01 March 2012. Posted in Diverse Articles

For the first time, MICHAEL Journal is offering its readers the opportunity to express themselves with a new page dedicated specifically for their comments, and/or suggestions. We welcome you and invite you to be the authors of this new page in our Journal. God bless you all in the battle for justice! – The Editor

Dear MICHAEL Journal,

I ask that my address be changed immediately. Thank you for your attention to this, and thank you for your wonderful magazine. I will keep you in my prayers. – Father Alex MacLellan, Canada

Dear Editor,

Extraordinary is the word for the latest MICHAEL Journal (Jan-Feb edition). The articles target what is happening now. The truth shines through just as when Christ was on earth. We are truly blessed to have the chance to hearing the truth in a world full of lies and deceit. God bless you all for your wonderful work. – Sylvie Jacques, USA

Dear friends at MICHAEL Journal,

Many congratulations on your current issue which we found most interesting. Would it be possible to send an extra 2 copies of this and subsequent issues directly to the editor of The Social Crediter?

Do you have any distribution facilities/contacts here in the UK? I ask, because not only are we interested in the availability of MICHAEL, but also in the purchase of some of your other publications, particularly the writings of Louis Even. All good wishes for your work. – Anne Goss, UK

Dear Editor of the MICHAEL Journal,

The MICHAEL Journal is very well done, in design as was as the articles. It is a rich source of information. I really like this journal that speaks about the subject of social justice. – Joseph Duchesne, Canada

Dear MICHAEL Journal,

I would like to send a New York friend a Christmas gift of the MICHAEL Journal. Thank you for your help and continued apostolate. – Emileen Cormier, USA

Dear Editor,

Perhaps you are the gentleman from MICHAEL that I met several years ago at the AMI Conference in Chicago, or the man who l spoke with from Massachusetts when I ordered books, subscriptions, and leaflets. Today I am emailing you because I took the liberty to quote/paraphrase from my January/February issue of MICHAEL in a letter I sent to US Senator Charles Grassley.

I admire and love the Social Credit Proposals solution to money creation, and introduce many people to it. To think how the world would change if the Social Credit Proposals becomes reality! I admire all of you very much. May our Creator's love and force guide and empower us, that mankind will be free from the tyrant of private money. In support always. – Doug Murguia, USA

Dear MICHAEL Journal,

Renew my subscription for four years. MICHAEL Journal is fantastic. MICHAEL Journal educates me as a Canadian citizen, giving a proper solution in regards to a despotic financial system that is not in accordance with the reality of Canada's wealth.

Social Credit is that wonderful philosophy ennunciated by Clifford Hugh Douglas and disseminated by Louis Even. It is a sure foundation for social justice. – Moril Marchildon, Canada

Dear Editor,

I wish to insure that my change of address is complete. I do not wish to miss any of your issues [MICHAEL and San Miguel]. I deeply appreciate your Journal that have been sent to me, which have been forwarded to me from my old address. I have enjoyed and learned much in each of them. – Xavier Ortiz, USA



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