Page 9 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 9

bankers, in appropriating control over its creation,   Louis Even’s motto was “To build the Kingdom of the
        have made it an instrument of domination. The most   Immaculate”.
        striking commentary on this matter was by Pope Pius      Father Kolbe, who died a martyr in 1941 in the
        XI who wrote in his Encyclical Letter, Quadragesimo   concentration camp of Oswiecim, Poland had found-
        Anno, in 1931:                                       ed  Niepokalanow,  the  “City  of  the  Immaculata”,
            “This power becomes particularly irresistible    where over 600 brothers worked to disseminate vari-
        when exercised by those who, because they hold       ous publications intended to make Our Lady known
        and control money, are able also to govern credit    and loved. Father Kolbe strived to instill a belief in the
        and determine its allotment, for that reason supply-  importance of soliciting subscriptions to these publi-
        ing, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire econom-  cations, and increased the paper’s circulation to over
        ic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the   one million copies, when the City of the Immaculata
        very soul of production, so that no one dare breathe   was forced to close in 1939.
        against their will.”                                      To make Our Lady known and loved
                Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort                    In  December,  1964,
                                    Saints Louis-Marie de    at  the  age  of  79,  Louis
                                 Montfort and Maximilian     Even became seriously ill
                                 Kolbe  were  important  to   but recovered against all
                                 the life and work of Louis   expectations. He said: “I
                                 Even.                       have obtained a reprieve.
                                    Louis Even, born in      I have loved the Blessed
                                 Montfort-sur-Meu,  France,   Virgin much in my life,
                                 on  March  23,  1885,  was   but perhaps I have not
                                 christened Louis-Marie in   made her loved enough.”
                                 honour of St. Louis-Marie       Since  the  beginning,
                                 Grignion de Montfort, who   every  meeting  of  the
                                 was also born in Montfort-  movement  began  with
                                 sur-Meu. In his book, True   the recitation of the Ros-
                                 Devotion to Mary, St. Louis   ary. But during the last
                                 de Montfort, born in 1673,   ten years of his life, from
                                 says that Marian devotion,   1964 to 1974, Louis Even
        far from removing us from Christ, brings us closer to   did even more: besides
        Him; far from being a detour it is a short cut. Louis   continuing to write on So-
        Even inherited from his patron saint this devotion to   cial Credit, he wrote arti-
        the Virgin Mary, and the consecration to the Mother   cles on the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin through-
        of God marked his entire life.                       out the world, sharing the Virgin Mother’s insistence
                    Saint Maximilian Kolbe                   on the urgency for all her children to repent and return
                                                             to God through the recitation of the Rosary.
            Another saint import-
        ant to Louis Even was Max-                               In 1968, Mr. Even and the directors of MICHAEL
        imilian Kolbe, a Franciscan                          travelled to San Damiano, Italy, to meet visionary, Rosa
        priest, who also had a great                         Quattrini,  to  whom  the  Virgin  Mother  had  appeared
        devotion  to  Mary.  In  1917,                       since 1964. Our Lady delivered the following message
        the same year as the Appar-                          to the directors. “Apostles of right thinking, pray a lot
        itions of Our Lady at Fatima                         to Saint Michael to defend you with his sword. Make
        and also the creation of So-                         me known and loved by everyone through the recita-
        cial Credit by Clifford Hugh                         tion of the Rosary.” It was after receiving this message
        Douglas, St. Kolbe founded                           that the Pilgrims of St. Michael added the Rosary Cru-
        the Militia of the Immaculata                        sade to their apostolate work, which consisted of recit-
        to convert the Freemasons.                           ing the Rosary with families they visited when spread-
            St.  Maximilian  founded  a  monthly  review,  The   ing the Social Credit message.
        Knight of the Immaculata, which was published until      Louis Even left a tremendous spiritual inherit-
        September,  1939  when  Hitler’s  armies  invaded  Po-  ance to the Pilgrims of St. Michael, the “apostles of
        land. The same month, the first issue of VERS DE-    right thinking” and “pilgrim-warriors”. Let us become
        MAIN (the  French-language  version  of  the  English   worthy  of  this  legacy  by  soliciting  subscriptions  to
        language  magazine,  MICHAEL)  was  published  in    our publication, MICHAEL, in order to make known
        Canada,  as  though  to  take  over  the  battle  for  the   the exceptional Social Credit message. v
        triumph of the Immaculata from Kolbe’s periodical.                                                                Alain Pilote
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