Page 14 - Michael Journal March 2020
P. 14

Father Coughlin, a Great Apostle of Social Justice

                 Denounced the Bankers’ Debt-Money System

            Charles Edward  Coughlin  was                                    Money! Questions and Answers
        born on October 25, 1891, of Amer-                                       While the National Union for So-
        ican parents residing in Hamilton,                                   cial Justice appreciates the splen-
        Ontario. He was ordained a priest                                    did  efforts  which  noble  statesmen
        in Toronto in 1916, and incardinated                                 have made in the past to restore to
        into the Diocese of Detroit in 1923.                                 Congress the power to coin money
        In 1926,  he founded  the Shrine of                                  and regulate its value, there is also
        the Little  Flower  (Saint Therese  of                               the realization  that these efforts
        the Child Jesus) in Royal Oak, Mich-                                 have been in vain because an un-
        igan, and became widely known in                                     informed and misinformed people
        the U.S.  with his nation-wide  radio                                have  labored under the  delusion
        talks on social justice in which he                                  that switching party politics instead
        defended  the poor and boldly de-                                    of changing the money policies was
        nounced the bankers’ debt-money                                      the key to contentment and prosper-
        system. In 1936, more than 150,000                                   ity...
        people  packed  a  Chicago park  to
        hear  a single address  by Father                                     The Constitution and money
        Coughlin.  Wherever  he spoke in                                         How is personal, physical life
        public, similar throngs heard him apply the principles   sustained under diversified activities?
        of the papal encyclicals to the practical problems of    By the exchanging of goods and services.
        the nation.
            In 1932, Father Coughlin was a supporter of presi-   How is the exchange of goods and services ac-
        dential candidate  Franklin D.  Roosevelt, who had   complished?
        promised to help the poor by correcting the banking      Through the medium of money, which was origin-
        system and stimulate the economy with a revitaliza-  ated by social necessity to make possible exchanges
        tion program called the New Deal. After a few years,   of varieties of articles and articles of unequal value.
        Father Coughlin realized that not only was Roosevelt     Is the substance of which money is made import-
        doing too little to help the poor, but he was, in reality,   ant?
        a loyal servant of the financiers he had denounced in    No. It is the legal status given it by government
        his campaign. The New Deal banking legislation, far   stamp  that  makes it  acceptable  by  all  as  money,
        from correcting the defects of the debt-money system
        or curbing the power of the financiers, was rather en-  whether it be made of metal, or of paper.
        trenching this power further. Father Coughlin began      Who should create money?
        to criticize Roosevelt, which earned him persecution,    The Government, representing all of the people.
        and the censure of his  superiors. Father Coughlin       In our country, what governing body should rep-
        nevertheless remained loyal to truth and justice until   resent all of the people?
        his death on October 27, 1979.
            In 1936, Father Coughlin wrote an excellent and      The Congress of the United States.
        easy-to-understand book entitled, “Money! Questions      Does the Constitution of the United States pro-
        and Answers”, which explained in a question and      vide that Congress should originate our money?
        answer format, the flaws of the present debt-money       Yes. It is very specific and well defined: “Congress
        system, and how an honest money system could be      shall have the power to coin money and regulate the
        attained. The preface states: “Because money is the   value thereof, and of foreign coin”. Article I, Section
        most vital and fundamental problem to be solved be-  8, Part 5.
        fore social justice can be reestablished, this is the first   Under  existing laws  (February  1936), does our
        of a series of books which will deal with the entire pro-  National Government originate our money?
        gram of social justice.”
            Following  are  some excerpts from the book,         No, only to a very limited extent.
        which are  more  timely than ever  as we  experience     Who does originate (create) our money?
        the negative consequences of the debt-money system       Private  corporations, commonly called  banks,
        so acutely. The need for an honest money system has   now originate practically all of our money.
        never been as urgent.                                    Why have private individuals usurped and exer-
                                                                    Alain Pilote

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