Page 13 - Michael August 2021
P. 13

The Virgin Mary

                        in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

            This is the title of a book  written in 1932 that com-  tions; she is weak, inconstant, disordered. And this,
        prises meditations for the 31 days of May and October,   because  God, in creating  her,  had  created  her,  as
        dictated by the Virgin Mary to the servant of God Luisa   though by nature, united with His Divine Will, in such
        Piccarreta. This book gives us a little idea to what ex-  a way that It was to be the strength, the prime motion,
        tent Mary was a close collaborator of God’s plan for   the support, the food and the life of the human will.
        the salvation of mankind and, like her Son Jesus, she   Therefore,  by not giving life to the Divine Will in our
        is the perfect example and model of a life lived in the   own, we reject the goods we received from God in the
        Divine Will. Here are large excerpts from this book:  creation, and the rights we received, by nature, in the
            My child, that same infinite  love of God, Who   act in which we were created.
        wanted to use me in the Redemption to make the Eter-     Oh, how well I understood the grave offense that
        nal Word descend upon earth, calls me into the field   is given to God, and the evils that pour upon the crea-
        once again, entrusting to me the difficult task, the sub-  ture! I had such great horror and fear of doing my will
        lime mandate to form the children of the Kingdom of   — and I feared with reason, because Adam too was
        His Divine Will on earth. Therefore, with maternal care   created innocent by God, yet, by doing his own will,
        I put myself to work, preparing for you the way which   into how many evils did he not plunge himself, and all
        will lead you to this happy Kingdom.                 the generations?
            Wanting to bestow upon the creatures surpris-        Therefore, I, your Mama, taken by terror, and even
        ing graces, which He has not conceded in the whole   more by love for my Creator, swore never to do my
        history of the world, God wants to make known the    will. And to be more sure and to better attest my sac-
        prodigies of the Divine Fiat, and all that It can work   rifice to the One Who had given me so many seas of
        in the creature who lets herself be dominated. This   graces and privileges, I took my human will and bound
        is why He wants to place me in the sight of all, as   it to the foot of the Divine Throne, in continuous hom-
        model, since I had the great honor to form all my life   age of love and sacrifice, promising never to use my
        in the Divine Will.                                  will, not even for one instant of my life, but always that
            Now, my child, know that as soon as I was con-   of God.
        ceived,  I  put  the  Divinity  in  feast.  Heaven  and  earth   My child, to you my sacrifice of living without my
        made feast, and recognized me as their Queen… But    will may not seem great, but I tell you that there is no
        while all was smile and feast between me and Them,   sacrifice similar to mine — even more, all other sacri-
        I saw that They could not trust me if They did not re-  fices of the whole history of the world can be called
        ceive a proof… the Divine Will asked me, as proof, to   shadows in comparison with mine.
        surrender my human will to It. The Divine Fiat said to   To sacrifice oneself for one day — now yes, now
        me:  “I  do  not  ask  of  you  a  fruit,  as  with  Adam;  no,   no — is easy; but to sacrifice oneself in every instant,
        no — I ask for your will. You will keep it, as if you did   in every act, even in the very good one wants to do,
        not have it, under the empire of My Divine Will, which   for one’s entire life, without ever giving life to one’s
        will be your life, and will feel confident to make of you   own will, is the sacrifice of sacrifices; it is the greatest
        whatever It wants.”                                  proof that can be offered; it is the purest love — fil-
            I owe everything to the Fiat — I know nothing else;   tered through the Divine Will Itself — that can be given
        all of my sublime qualities for which the holy Church   to our Creator. This sacrifice is so great that God can-
        so much honors me, are nothing other than the effects   not ask anything more of the creature, nor can she find
        of that Divine Will which dominated me, reigned and   how to sacrifice more for her Creator.
        lived in me. This is why I yearn so much that That which   God was waiting for my test — that is, that a crea-
        produced in me so many qualities and admirable ef-   ture would live without will — in order to adjust the
        fects as to astonish Heaven and earth, be known.     balance with mankind, and to assume the attitude of
            As soon as the Supreme Being asked for my hu-    clemency and mercy.
        man will, I understood the great evil that the human     God asked of me a proof which He has asked of
        will can do in the creature, and how it puts everything   no one. And He did this with justice and with highest
        in danger, even the most beautiful works of her Cre-  wisdom, because since the Eternal Word had to come
        ator. The creature, with her human will, is all vacilla-  down into me, not only was it not decorous that He
        1                find original sin in me, but it was also not decorous
        static/5e44b9f0eccde53d4b136d6e/t/5e4c5900e872c67900f227  for Him to find a human will operating in me. It would  u
        5a/1582061826370/Virgin-Mary-In-The_Divine-Will.pdf                                            MICHAEL  August/September 2021     13
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