Page 16 - Michael August 2021
P. 16

Bringing the Rosary to the

                                 “Those who pray, have hope.
                     Those who pray little, are in great danger.

                         by Yves Jacques                     sary”. We have visited millions of homes and prayed
                                                             the Rosary with individuals and families. We always
              “Make me known and loved through               invite each person to continue the practice every day,
                  the recitation of the Rosary.”             just as Our Lady asked at Fatima. For many, this is
        T       his is the beautiful message from Our Lady   their first encounter with prayer as many people are
                                                             not correctly catechised today.
                given in a private revelation in San Damia-
                no, Italy, in 1968  to  the directors of
        The Pilgrims of St. Michael. This mes-                           Through  the  years,  we  have  witnessed
                                                                          miracles as this prayer brings peace to
        sage prompted the first of many Ro-                                  hearts  and  comfort  to  those  who
        sary Crusades in which we visited                                      are  suffering.  “There  is  no  prob-
        homes  throughout  Canada,  the                                          lem,  no  matter  how  difficult  it
        U.S., South  America  and Eu-                                              is, whether temporal or above
        rope to promote and spread                                                  all spiritual, in the personal
        devotion to the Holy Rosary.                                                 life of each one of us, of our
            Some people might say,                                                    families…  that  cannot  be
        “What  does  the  Rosary                                                       solved by the Rosary” —
        have to do with Econom-                                                        Sr. Lucia of Fatima.
        ic Democracy  or  Social                                                           Our  Lady’s  instruc-
        Credit? I like Social Cred-                                                     tions  were:  “Make
        it, but what does the Ro-                                                       me known and loved
        sary have to do with it?”                                                       through the recitation of
            First of all, if one                                                        the Rosary.” Our Blessed
        truly desires the triumph                                                      Mother    thus   advised
        of justice, promoted by                                                        that  we  must  hear and
        The  Pilgrims  of  St. Mi-                                                    witness  the  Rosary  be-
        chael through Social Credit                                                   ing prayed. Special graces
        monetary reform, one must                                                    are received as we pray the
        put the love of God first, fol-                                             Rosary  with  people  in  their
        lowed by the love of neighbor.                                            homes.
        Loving one’s neighbor must be                                               Just as Our Lady instructed
        complete  and  include  a  concern                                    St. Domenic to promote the Rosary
        for both their temporal and spiritual
        needs. One of the spiritual needs so nec-                          “to the four corners of the earth”  as
        essary today is the recitation of the Rosary in                 the means to “put down the heresy of the
                                                                  Albigensians”, the evils of today will be crushed
        the family home.                                     by that same Rosary! Even heresies circulating today
            How  many  times  did  our  director,  Madam  Gil-  within the Church will be vanquished by the Rosary!
        berte Cote Mercier, say to us, “If you want to obtain   Some think that the Church must be “fixed” and that
        justice, you must pray the Rosary — spread the Ro-   we must “save” the Church. The Catholic Church is
        sary!” Those who listened to her counsel converted!   HOLY! By criticizing, we are only risking the loss of
        To think it is possible to obtain justice without God   faith in the true authority of the Church founded by
        is not comprehending the source of all justice, which   Jesus Christ. He promised that,  “the gates of hell
        IS  God!  So,  in  living  the  Holy  Rosary,  we  can  see   shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).
        how  meditation  on  its  mysteries  teaches  us  to  live
        as brothers and sisters and the desire for justice be-   This is not to say that we should not shine the light
        comes realized and true.                             of truth and continue to condemn heretical teachings
            Since 1968, The Pilgrims of Saint Michael have   that may circulate but that we should also teach that
        responded to Our Blessed Mother’s request to make    the remedy is the Rosary and promote it more and
        her “known and loved through the recitation of the Ro-  more. Satan does not want us to spread the Rosary
        16     MICHAEL  August/September 2021                                 
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