Page 10 - Michael August 2021
P. 10

u      While  penning  this  article,  another  message
        entered my email box, this time from Jesus Him-
        self to the Italian seer Valeria Copponi. We hear
        the Lord’s concern for not only the soul but our
        bodies as well:
            “My daughter, it is I, Jesus, the Victorious
        One; let man not dare to destroy what I and
        My Father have given to the whole world with
        such love. I consider the things that I have given
        you to be precious; I allow what I have created
        from nothing to be discovered; but let man not
        discard or demolish things and people as he
        pleases.  You have  begun  to  destroy  instead  of
        building, and this will soon lead you to your
        eternal end. My children, you who are my little      decisions. Many times I have told my children
        remnant, continue with your prayers, especially      to be careful regarding vaccines, yet you do not
        for your brothers and sisters who are offend-        listen.”  —  Our  Lady  to  Gisella Cardia on  March
        ing God without even knowing Him. Pray for all       16th, 2021 (…)
        sinners that they would allow Me to enter into           In  that  regard,  my  ministry  has really  not
        their hearts so that they might be healed of the     departed at all from its mission from proclaiming
        world’s evil… you are destroying yourselves          the “now word” for our times, which has for over
        with your own hands. —Jesus to Valeria Copponi       a decade included warnings on a masonic Global
        on July 7th, 2021                                    Revolution.  While  I  would  love  to  write  more
            As Catholics, we do not “chase” after appar-     about “living in the Divine Will”, butterflies and
        itions or live by prophecy alone. The teachings      petunias… earlier this year, there was a bold and
        of our Faith, the Sacraments, the Scriptures, etc.   clear word in my heart while praying before the
        are the edifice upon which we build our lives, and   Blessed Sacrament:
        prophecy has a role  in supporting and strength-         Have I called you from the watchman’s wall?
        ening that foundation. But we are commanded by       Continue to watch and pray…
        St. Paul to “test” prophecy [1 Thess 5:20-21].  And      “Dear young people. It is up to you to be the
        there is no greater test than simply whether or not   watchmen  of the  morning  who  announce  the
        it has come true. In that light, no matter what you   coming of the sun who is the Risen Christ!” —
        may  think  of  the  following  seers,  the  messages   Pope John Paul II, Message of the Holy Father to
        they received appear to be dead on:                  the Youth of the World, XVII World Youth Day, n.
            “Study,  prepare  yourselves,  scrutinize  and   3 (cf. Is 21:11-12)
        know that which you believe to be far away or            This means speaking about the “signs of the
        impossible for man’s understanding. Nourish          times” but, yes, also how to grow in the Lord and
        yourselves with knowledge; you are being poi-        thus acquire divine wisdom precisely in order to
        soned slowly and without your awareness, not         navigate  these  times  as  true  disciples  of  Jesus.
        only by the things you eat, but also by means        So, it’s a fine balance that I am trying my best
        of  vaccines  prepared  in  laboratories  with  the   to follow, writing the “now word” (not the “Mark
        only purpose of causing serious illnesses in         word”).
        the human organism in order to eliminate it…”                   The Masonic Revolution
        —  The  Blessed  Virgin  Mary  to  Luz  de  Maria  de
        Bonilla, January 14, 2015                                In that message to Valeria, I suspect the Lord is
            “Children, I come again to warn you and to       playing off of the globalists mantra to “build back
        help you not to make mistakes, avoiding what         better”  and  “reset”  the  world . But this Global
        does not come from God; yet you look around in       Revolution  is  literally  going  to  tear  most  every-
        confusion without realizing the dead that there      thing down first in order to rebuild the world in
        are, and that there will be on earth — all because   the elite’s image.
        of your obstinacy in only listening to  human            Everyday now, I am hearing disturbing stories
                                                             of how the supply chain is falling apart, food is
        world-deserves-punishment/                           left rotting because truckers can’t deliver goods
        perspective/                                         10

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