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in My Will, and until he enters into It, he will be with-        The gift of the Divine Will
        out place, without order, without purpose; he will be            is the greatest of graces.
        an  intruder  in  the  Creation,  63  with  no  right  at  all,   (Volume 19, September 9, 1926)
        and therefore he will go wandering without peace,        “In these times so stormy and with a vertiginous
        without inheritance. And I, moved to compassion for   race in evil, I could not give greater grace than mak-
        him, will cry out to him continuously: ‘Enter into your   ing  known  that  I  want  to  give  the  great  gift  of  the
        place, come into the order, come to take your inherit-  Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. And as a confirmation
        ance – to live in your house. Why do you want to live   of  this,  I  am  preparing  It  within  you  with  so  many
        in a foreign house? Why do you want to occupy a      knowledges and gifts, so that nothing may be lack-
        land that is not yours? And because it is not yours,   ing to the triumph of My Will. Therefore, be attentive
        you live unhappy, and you are the servant and the    on the deposit of this Kingdom which I am making
        laughing stock of all created things. All things cre-  in you.”
        ated by Me, because they remain in their place, are
        in order and in perfect harmony, with all the fullness   The Divine Will and the problems of man
        of their goods, assigned to them by God.”                        (Volume 15, March 18, 1923)
           The primary purpose of all                                            “The  strongest  thing  which
         that God has done in Creation                                       binds the soul is to dissolve her
             and Redemption is that                                          will in Mine. How can I leave you?
             the creature would live                                         And besides, if I have spoken to you
                in the Divine Will.                                          so much about My Will, it is many
          (Volume 14, September 11, 1922)                                    bonds  of  indissoluble  union  that  I
                                                                             have placed between you and Me.
            “The fulfillment of the Work of                                  In speaking to you, My Eternal Vol-
        Creation  was  that  man  would  do                                  ition bound your little will with the
        Our Will in everything. Our Will was                                 bonds  of  My  Eternal  Will  for  each
        to  be  the  life,  the  food,  the  crown                           word I have spoken to you. More-
        of the creature; and since it is not                                 over, you must know that, in creat-
        yet so, the Work of Creation is not                                  ing man, Our first Supreme Will was
        yet fulfilled, and neither can I rest                                that he should live in Our Volition;
        in It, nor can It rest in Me. It gives                               and  having  to  live  in  It,  he  was  to
        Me always something to do, and I                                     take what is Ours so as to live at Our
        yearn for this fulfillment and rest.                                 expense, repaying Our Will with as
        This is why I love and want so much                                  many divine acts for as many hu-
        that the way of living in My Will be                                 man acts as he would do in Our Will.
        known...                                                             This, in order to enrich him with all
            “Therefore, there is nothing I did      Luisa Piccarreta         the goods which Our Will contains.
        which did not have as primary pur-                                      “But  man  wanted  to  live  in  his
        pose that man take possession of My Will and I of his.   will,  at  his  own  expense,  and  therefore  he  exiled
        This was My primary purpose in Creation; the same    himself from his Fatherland and lost all these goods.
        in Redemption. The Sacraments I instituted, the many   So,  My  goods  remained  without  heirs;  they  were
        graces given to My Saints, have been the seeds, the   immense, and nobody possessed them. Therefore,
        means, to let man reach this possession of My Will.   My Humanity came to take possession of all these
            “Therefore, neglect nothing of what I want about   goods by living every instant in this Eternal Volition;
        My Will, both with writing, and with words, and with   It wanted to live always at Its expense, being born,
        works. From this alone you can know that the living   growing, suffering, working and dying in the eternal
        in My Will is the greatest thing, the most important,   kiss of the Supreme Volition. And as I kept living in It,
        that which interests Me the most: from the so many   I was given the possession of the many unemployed
        preparations that have preceded It.                  goods, which ungrateful man had put into oblivion.
            “And  do  you  want  to  know  where  this  seed  of   “Now,  My  daughter,  if  My  infinite  wisdom  has
        My Will was sown? In My Humanity. In It, it germin-  spoken  to  you  so  much  about  My  Will,  it  was  not
        ated,  was  born  and  grew.  This  seed  can  be  seen  in   just to give you simple news, no, no! — but to make
        My wounds, in My Blood, wanting to be transplanted   known to you the living in My Will and the goods It
        into the creature, so that she may take possession of   contains. And as you walk your way in It, you take
        My Will and I of hers, and so that the Work of Creation   possession of It.
        may return to the origin from which It came, not only    “My Humanity did everything; It took posses-
        through My Humanity, but also through the creature   sion of everything, not for Myself alone, but to open
        herself.                                             the doors to My other brothers. I have waited for so  u
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