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What should be corrected!

Written by Louis Even on Tuesday, 01 October 2002. Posted in Social Credit

What should be corrected in a machine: what is working, or what is not? One must correct what is not working properly, of course.

Well, what is not working with the present economic system? Is there a problem with production in our country? No, goods come on the shelves as quickly as we buy them.

During the Depression of the 1930s, production was well organized, and products were never lacking. But this was not the case with money: there was a shortage of money; it was not matching production. Money in circulation increased in 1939 when World War II was declared, when one started to destroy. There is never a lack of money to finance wars.

Why are all the political parties satisfied with the present monetary system? Is it because they are bound by the money powers? Or else, is it because it is easier to lead people by the nose when their pockets are empty?

The Pilgrims of St. Michael want nothing to do with any political party, the old as well as the new ones. They want free people, who are not led by the nose with a ring. This is why they want money to be as abundant as production in the country, and they want every family to have a guaranteed income, as guaranteed as the existence of production.

The Social Crediters of the “Michael” Journal do not look for complications. They say: products are there, and so are human needs in front of them; only the money is lacking. For any newly issued money to buy the products that are waiting on the shelves, this money must reach consumers, households. So new money must be directly distributed to consumers.

That is why Social Credit proposes a dividend to everyone. The national dividend is a sum of extra money, on top of what we earn in wages and salaries, distributed to every man, woman, and child in the nation, without any condition.

This dividend must be given to everybody, because there are enough products for everybody, that are just waiting for the money of the consumers to be bought.

The Louis Even Institute, the publisher of the “Michael” Journal, is not afraid of money given to all, because it is not a political party, and does not want to benefit only a few (the friends of the party), but to help everyone. The Louis Even Institute represents everyone, every citizen without exception. The Social Credit dividend means money for everyone, without exception.

This does not mean equalizing everybody's fortune. Those who earn more will continue to have more money. But the dividend, the part of the purchasing power based on progress, is due to everyone, because progress belongs to everyone.

The poorest individual of our nation is just as equally the owner of the forests, the waterfalls, the social organization, the scientific and cultural heritage of our nation, as is the Prime Minister or the wealthiest man in the country. He is just as equally entitled as them, and as any other citizen, to a dividend on the common capital, when this common capital is productive.

This is what Social Credit demands, and this is what those whose hearts and minds are not closed through prejudices or selfishness understand the best.

If a minister of government receives a salary of $10,000 per month, and if the dividend is $800 per month for every individual, the minister will get $10,800 per month, but a newborn child in the shack of a poor family will get $800 per month.

This is what Social Credit is all about; it cares for the poor. This is what makes noble-hearted men and women move to make this solution known, to put an end to the scandal of poverty, even if it may hurt the money masters and their lackeys in the parliaments.

In a Social Credit system, there would never be any financial problem, neither to help large families, to build or fix roads, hospitals, schools, to finance health care and education, because all that is physically possible would be made financially possible. If something is physically impossible, one does not even try to do it, but when it is physically possible and desired by the population, it is just plain stupid to do without it because of an artificial obstacle called “financial impossibility”. It is a financial nonsense to let people starve in a century of plenty. Even in third-world countries, products are not lacking in the stores; just like in the so-called developed countries, it is always a problem of money.

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