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Free issue of MICHAEL

14. The wolf devours the lambs

“And that’s a healthy mone-

tary system, Mr. Oliver? ”

“Gentlemen, all sound money

is based on gold and it comes

from the banks in the form of

debts. The national debt is a good

thing. It keeps men from becom-

ing too satisfied. It subjugates

governments to the supreme and

ultimate wisdom, that which is in-

carnate in bankers. As a banker, I

am the torch of civilization here

on your little island. I will dictate

your politics and regulate your

standard of living.”

“Mr. Oliver, we’re simply

uneducated folks but we don’t

want that kind of civilization here.

We’ll not borrow another cent

off of you. Sound money or not,

we don’t want any further trans-

actions with you.”

“Gentlemen, I deeply regret

this very ill-advised decision of

yours. But if you break with me,

remember, I have your signa-

tures. Repay me everything at

once – capital and interest.”

“But that’s impossible, sir.

Even if we give you all the money

on the island, we still won’t be

square with you.”

“I can’t help that. Did you or

did you not sign? Yes? Very well.

“By virtue of the sanctity of

contracts, I hereby seize your

mortgaged property which was

what you agreed to at the time you

were so happy to have my help. If

you don’t want to serve willingly

the supreme authority of money,

then you’ll obey by force. You’ll

continue to exploit the island but

in my interests and under my con-

ditions. Now, get out! You’ll get

your orders from me tomorrow.”

15. Control of the press

Oliver knew that whoever con-

trolled the nation’s money, con-

trolled the nation. But he knew

also that to maintain that control, it

was necessary to keep the people

in a state of ignorance and to dis-

tract them by a variety of means.

Oliver had observed that of

the five islanders, two were con-

servatives and three were liberals.

That much had evolved from their

evening conversations, especially

after they had fallen into slavery.

And between the conservatives

and those who were liberals,

there was a constant friction.

On occasions, Harry, the most

neutral of the five, considering

that all had the same needs and

aspirations, had suggested the

union of the people to put pres-

sure on the authorities. Such a

union, Oliver could not tolerate; it

would mean the end of his rule.

No dictator, financial or other-

wise, could stand before a people

united and educated.

Consequently, Oliver set him-

self to foment, as much as pos-

sible, political strife between them.

The refugee put his press

to work, turning out two weekly

newspapers, “The Sun” for the

Liberals and “The Star” for the


The general tenor of “The

Sun” was: “If you are no longer

master, it is because of those trai-

torous Conservatives who have

sold out to big business.”

That of “The Star” stated: “The

ruinous state of business and the

national debt can be traced dir-

ectly to the political responsibility

of those unmentionable Liberals.”

16. Precious salvage

One day, Tom, the prospector,

found a lifeboat on a small beach,

hidden by tall grass at one end of

the island. It was empty except

for a trunk in good condition lying

in the bottom of it.

He opened the trunk. Among

the articles within, an album

caught his eye: “The First Year of

Social Credit.” Between the cov-

ers he found a Social Credit pub-


Curious, Tom sat down and

began to read the volume. His in-

terest grew and his face lit up.

“Well, just look at this ! ” he

cried out loud. “This is something

we should have known a long

time ago.”

“Money gets its value, not

from gold but from the products

which that money buys.

“Simply put, money should be

a sort of accounting system, with

credits passing from one account

to another according to purchases

and sales. The total of money will

depend upon the total of produc-


“Each time production in-

creases, there is a corresponding

increase in the amount of money.

Never at any time should interest

be paid on new money. Progress

is marked, not by an increase in

the public debt but by the issu-

ance of an equal dividend to each

individual... Prices are adjusted

to the general purchasing power

by a coefficient of prices and in-

comes. Social Credit...”

But Tom could no longer con-

tain himself. He got up and set off

at a run, the book in his hands, to

share this glorious discovery with

his four comrades.

17. Money – basic accounting


o Tom became the teacher.

He taught the others what he had

learned from that Heaven-sent

Social Credit publication.

“This,” he said, “is what we

can do without waiting for a bank-


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