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Marcel Lefebvre, a great apostle

on Tuesday, 01 March 2022. Posted in Obituaries, Testimonies

We have received testimonies from all over the world following the death of Marcel Lefebvre that speak of the man's personal attributes, and especially highlight his great love for the people of Africa. His deepest wish was that the principles of Economic Democracy would animate the nations of Africa.

This testimony, one of many, is from Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie Gagnon from the small village of St-Odilon de Beauce, Quebec. Since 1975, the Gagnon's have been close friends and collaborators, and knew Mr. Lefebvre well.

The family of the Pilgrims of St. Michael around the world is mourning the passing of the Director General of MICHAEL, Mr. Marcel Lefebvre, who left us for a better world on January 12, 2022 at the age of 75.

He went to join those who inspired him and who gave themselves totally to the cause of Economic Democracy: Louis Even, Gilberte Côté Mercier and Gérard Mercier – the latter nicknamed "the fireball". Marcel was also a ball of fire and an ardent worker until the very end. Unfortunately, we were not at his bedside during his brief hospitalization, but it would not surprise us to learn that he was subscribing hospital staff to the MICHAEL and Vers Demain magazines in his final days!

Mr. Lefebvre joined the movement full-time in 1963 and, since that day, he never failed in his vocation (with a capital V!) as a propagator of the truth. He was the defender of rights and freedoms through his animated and fiery talks on the Social Credit financial proposals. Genuine Social Credit – not the Chinese version – as Mr. Louis Even explained, would allow each person on earth to exercise their first right, that of having access to food. This right surpassed all others according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Social Credit, via its National Dividend to all, would apply this principle of the Church and elegantly solve the problems of poverty.

Mr. Lefebvre shone with the light of the movement which drove him. Anyone who knew Marcel would attest to this fact. He took every opportunity to distribute our flyers, MP3 recordings, and magazines. He was fascinated by Economic Democracy and never failed to enter debate on the topic. We have no hesitation to say he was thinking only of Economic Democracy. The misery of others did not leave him indifferent. What an extraordinary and holy way to radiate the charity of Christ!

We cannot ignore the great love that Marcel had for the people of Africa. He traveled to several regions to spread the light of Social Credit. Africans, so receptive to the great cause of Economic Democracy, knew how to win his heart. His first visit was to the Ivory Coast in December 2008 for a period of three months. He had been invited by Father Patrice Savadogo, and since that visit had never left them in spirit.

Marcel organized Study Sessions at our headquarters in Rougemont, Canada, so that others could strengthen their understanding of Economic Democracy. We can safely say that he put all his energy and his generous apostle's heart into the task.

Dear people of Africa, we know that from heaven he will continue to assist you so that you may continue to work for the establishment and propagation of Economic Democracy in your countries. Like him, never give up. It is so important to save our peoples from the global swindle of International High Finance. It is Mammon, personified by these crooked financiers, who control the world by appropriating for private ownership the natural resources that belong to all.

What a tireless apostle was Mr. Lefebvre! Daily, he spent hours on the phone spreading news of the movement, and made all listeners enthusiastic. We can affirm that he never rested and that he never hid under a bushel the light received from Louis Even, whom he so admired. He confided to us his desire to work for the beatification of this great man of genius, Louis Even, whom he considered a saint.

We mourn a brother, a great apostle, a confidante and a sincere friend. With unshakeable faith and unwavering courage, let us honour his memory by continuing to walk in his footsteps, assured of his presence at our side. He overflowed with generosity and was always available to us. It will not be less in heaven, because everything is deified and sanctified in Christ.

Our sincere condolences are extended to his family, and a special acknowledgement to his sister Jacqueline, who assisted Marcel in his last moments. Marcel, like all the full-time Pilgrims of Saint Michael, was consecrated a slave of Mary, which is to say he totally gave himself to the Blessed Virgin. Let's sing together this hymn to Mary:

On this day, O beautiful Mother,

On this day we give thee our love.

Near thee, Madonna, fondly we hover,

Trusting thy gentle care to prove.

Jocelyne and Jean-Marie Gagnon

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