Page 14 - Michael Journal 2020 March
P. 14

During the  Great  Depression,

                                                              enlargement  of the shrine was
                                                              stalled for lack of funds. Undaunt-
                                                              ed, Brother Andre advised, “Put a
                                                              statue of St. Joseph in the middle
                                                              of the building. If he wants a roof

                                                              over  his head, he’ll get it.”  The
                                                              shrine which stands there  today
                                                              is the largest church in the world
                                                              dedicated to St. Joseph, attracting
                                                              some two million visitors a year.

                                                             Gospel begged for a cure, Jesus told him that all things
                                                             were possible to those who had faith. And immedi-
                                                             ately the father of the boy crying out, with tears said:
                                                             “I do believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.” Like Our Lord,
                                                             Blessed Andre took every opportunity to give the gift
                                                             of faith to the unbeliever. About this, the Blessed said,
                                                             “Those who are cured quickly often are people who
                                                             have no faith or little faith. On the other hand, those
                                                             who have solid faith are not cured so quickly, for the
                                                             good God prefers to allow them to suffer that they will
                                                             be sanctified even more.”
                                                                              Devotional life
        doubted  the  efficacy  of  St.  Joseph’s  oil,  medals  and   In early life, our diminutive porter acquired the
        novenas for healing bodily illnesses. Others took the   habit of frequent, long, and devout prayer. As he ad-
        cures for granted, thinking that it was the good work   vanced in years, this habit never waned. During the
        of the kindly brother, who, like any other humanitarian,   daytime, which he typically spent cleaning and doing
        had  no  other  aim  in  mind  than  taking  away  people’s   other chores, Brother Andre received many visitors.
        suffering.  But  for  Blessed  Andre,  the  working  of  mir-  At night he frequently visited hospitals, oftentimes re-
        acles had one end and one end only: Faith.           turning with crutches to add to the growing collection
                                                             in the Oratory. After such a day, he would spend much
                         Zeal for Souls                      of the night in prayer. One of his intimates said about
            Many  of  the  people  who  sought  cures  from   this, “Frequently, after his sick calls, he invited me to
        Brother Andre were good Catholics; but others were   sleep in his cell over the primitive chapel. More than
        heretics and unbelievers of all kinds. One of the wit-  once I struggled against sleep in order to watch him.
        nesses at his cause for beatification said, “As to heret-  Towards morning I fell asleep while he remained in
        ics, schismatics and also unbelievers, Brother Andre   prayer. When I awoke, about five o’clock, I often no-
        treated them with more kindness and sympathy than    ticed his bed had not been touched.”
        the  Catholics.  He  wanted  to  gain  the  confidence  of   Though  he  is  known  for  his  tremendous  devo-
        such people. When the right time came he talked to   tion to Saint Joseph, all those who knew him said that
        them of the goodness of God and of religion... He    Blessed Andre’s central devotion was to the Passion
        profited by the visits of Protestants and unbelievers   of Our Lord. Many times, he would turn a worldly con-
        to slide in a good word to them, an evangelical word.”  versation  into  an  emotional  narration  of  Our  Lord’s
            It was by this kind of work that the guardian of   sufferings, often bringing those present, including
        the Oratory wrought thousands of conversions, many   himself, to tears. Because of this devotion, the good
        among  lapsed  and  lukewarm  Catholics,  but  also   brother led Friday Stations of the Cross every week at
        among  Protestants,  Freemasons  and  Jews.  Brother   the Oratory, hoping one day to construct a large set of
        Andre looked upon the humility of the non-Catholic, in   stations around the Basilica’s exterior.
        coming to a Catholic brother for a cure, as the begin-   His  devotion  to  Our  Lady  was  quite  conspicuous
        ning of faith. In this he was imitating Our Lord Himself.   too. Logically, with such a love of the Passion, he often
        When the father of the possessed boy in Saint Mark’s   invoked Mary as Our Lady of Sorrows, the title under u
                                                   MICHAEL  March/April 2020   15
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