Page 4 - michael-journal-2019-may
P. 4

Future Prospects

                     for the Pilgrims of St Michael

              Social Credit is a Means to Save Souls

            The following excerpts are taken from a speech   as he read it. He could have said: “This is all very
        given by MICHAEL editor Alain Pilote, during a confer-  nice, but I will leave to others the task of making it
        ence held in Rougemont on Sunday March 24, 2019.     known.” But he didn’t.
                         by Alain Pilote                         Mr. Even was  endowed with the heart of an
                                                             apostle and had a great love of the poor. It was his
                                      Our Movement is
                                  facing challenges that     Catholic faith and great love for Our Lady that led
                                                             him to exclaim: “Social  Credit is a light  upon my
                                  must be faced and over-
                                  come. Father Patrice       path; everyone must learn about it.” Even though
                                                             he was a married man with a family to support he
                                  Savadogo, former secre-    left a career in the middle of the Great Depression
                                  tary to Cardinal Bernard
                                  Agre of the Ivory Coast,   to dedicate himself to spread Social Credit. He al-
                                  has helped us consider     ways relied on Divine Providence which did not fail
                                                             him. We can conclude that this man was an apostle
                                  these challenges. He has   and a saint. Gédéon Therrien relayed the story in
                                  known  our  Movement
                                  for several years and is   which a band of critics poured a barrel of used mo-
                                                             tor oil over Louis Even’s head in the1940’s while he
                                  our  St.  Hyacinthe  Dio-  waited on a train platform. Even such an indignity
               Alain Pilote       cesan guarantor. In Feb-
                                  ruary, he shared ques-     did not deter him from forging ahead with his apos-
        tions with our members to help us determine what     tolate work. This little story helps explain why other
                                                             Pilgrims were devoted to following this great man
        direction the Movement must take in the future. We   over the years.
        were asked to look at who founded the Movement,
        for what purpose, our present activities, and where     In Need of Heaven’s Help to Fight Satan
        all this will lead us.                                   Mr. Even understood from the start that he
            The  first  question  was: “If  you  had  to  explain   fought  not only the  bankers but also a satanic
        who Louis Even was, what would you say to a new-     power. Satan uses money to corrupt souls. St. Paul
        comer to MICHAEL?” We received many answers          wrote: “The desire for money is the root of all evil”
        including  the  following:  “In  the  Reader’s  Digest,   (1 Timothy 16:10). The devil uses today’s monetary
        there once was an article titled, The Greatest Person   system to subjugate the entire world so that people
        I Ever Met. It could be said that Louis Even was the   will lose their souls idolizing money instead of wor-
        greatest person we ever met.”                        shipping God. From the very beginning, Mr. Even
                       A Teacher at Heart                    would begin  his meetings  by praying  the  Rosary,
                                                             thereby imploring the intercession of Our Lady who
            Clifford Hugh Douglas, who developed the So-     we know will crush the head of the infernal dragon.
        cial Credit financial proposals,  was a genius. But   Without the protection of our Blessed Mother, VERS
        God used Louis Even to make Social Credit known      DEMAIN and MICHAEL would be long gone.
        to a wider audience and placed the principles in the     When the directors visited San Damiano, Italy,
        light of papal teachings on social justice. Douglas’   in 1968, the  Blessed Virgin gave  the  following
        writings would have remained unknown were it not     message to the directors through  the seer, Rosa
        for the work of MICHAEL worldwide.                   Quattrini: “Apostles of truth, make me known and
             Mr. Even, a brother of Christian Instruction for   loved by the recitation of the Rosary… With the
        many years, was a teacher who had a great devo-      Rosary, you will win all battles. Mobilize the youth,
        tion to the  Blessed Virgin Mary. We might  claim    mobilize everyone.” In this message we heard that
        that, because of this, Heaven selected Louis Even    the Queen of Heaven supports our Rosary crusade
        to become the founder of the great work of VERS      and confirms to us we must be oriented to her Im-
        DEMAIN and MICHAEL. Mr. Even was a genius. He        maculate and Sorrowful Heart.
        understood the significance of Social Credit as soon
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