Other leaflets available

We have made offprints with some of the most popular articles published in the “Michael” Journal, in the form of leaflets of 4, 8 or 16 pages, that you can order from us, free of charge, to distribute around you, to make our message known to as many people as possible. These leaflets are free, but donations are welcome to cover the postage and printing costs. 


The Money Myth Exploded

One of the first articles written by Louis Even, this 8-page leaflet explains in a simple manner (five people on an island) how money is created as a debt by the banks. Year after year, this “classic” remains our most popular leaflet. It is a must for beginners who want to understand Social Credit. (It is also available in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, German, Italian, and Arabic.)

Pray the Rosary for peace

Did you know that we celebrate in 2008 the 800th Anniversary of our Blessed Mother's gift of the Rosary to us? This 8-page leaflet contains a speech of Pope Benedict XVI on the Rosary, details on the Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and the 2002 Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II Rosarium Virginis Mariae on the prayer of the Rosary, which added five new luminous mysteries about the public life of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lady of America

This 8-page leaflet gives the story of the first apparition in America officially approved by the U.S. Bishops, plus articles on the plan to enslave the human race with the microchip, an article of Msgr. Schooyans who denounces the New World Order, the famous dream of St. John Bosco about the two columns of salvation (the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary), and the testimony of a priest who saw heaven, hell and purgatory (the death experience of Fr. Jose Maniyangat).

The Eucharist, sacrament of love

This 8-page leaflet contains large excerpts from the recent Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Benedict XVI on the Eucharist, two pages on the social doctrine of the Church and its application, and the testimony of a priest who saw Heaven, Purgatory and Hell.

The scandal of poverty

This 8-page leaflet contains the following articles: “It is urgent to put an end to the scandal of poverty”, by Alain Pilote; “What is Social Credit? Practical Christianity!”, by Geoffrey Dobbs; “Social Credit is the implementation of the social doctrine of the Church”, by Bishop Frankowski of Poland, and two articles of Louis Even, “Money, an instrument of distribution”, and “To solve the problem of poverty”. (Leaflet also available in French, Spanish, and Italian.)

The Year of the Eucharist

On June 10, 2004, Pope John Paul II proclaimed a Year of the Eucharist, beginning in October 2004, and ending in October 2005. To prepare this year of grace, we made an 8-page leaflet with the encyclical of Pope John Paul II on the Eucharist, plus an instruction from the Vatican on the Eucharist, to avoid abuses, and an article about the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy.

The battle of “Michael”

This 4-page leaflet explains why the “Michael” Journal deals with religion and economics. Because “it is in the economic field that the salvation of souls is at stake,” as the Popes said. Contains also Louis Even's article Social Credit puts money in its proper place“.l  (Also available in French and Spanish.)

The Apparitions of Fatima in 1917

This leaflet explains the Message that the Virgin Mary gave to the three little children in 1917 in Portugal, and the need for people to stop offending God if we do not want wars and catastrophes.

The danger behind
smart cards and microchips

This 4-page leaflet explains how the Financiers want to replace cash with a chip implanted under your skin (sometims referred to as the “Mark of the Beast”), which is part of a future world government.


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