What is the Great Reset?

Written by Alain Pilote on Monday, 01 August 2022. Posted in Great Reset

In earlier issues of MICHAEL, we have written about Klaus Shwab's World Economic Forum and the Great Reset.  Here are excerpts from an article published in the March 2021 edition, titled The Great Reset, reality or conspiracy?":

On June 3, 2020, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, an organization that brings together every year in Davos, Switzerland, the political and financial leaders of the planet, announced the theme of its 2021 forum to be "The Great Reset." It is a plan to transform the world's economy from beginning to end, eliminating both the middle class and private property which will result in communism on a worldwide scale.

World leaders have been enthusiastic supporters of the project, and main-stream media are gushing about the Great Reset, claiming it will benefit humanity by reducing consumption, pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. However, these same world leaders and media ignore the darker aspects of the Great Reset. Is the Reset a Machiavellian project designed to benefit the financial elite of this world? Are critics to be dismissed as conspiracy theorists?

It is misleading for Schwab to call his project the Great Reset, as if everything was going to be as it was before.  Will it be like pressing a "reset" key on a device to restore it to its original state? On the contrary, a return to normal, to the state of affairs before Covid-19, is not at all Schwab's objective. He tells us that nothing will be the same again; that the economy must first collapse (which is currently happening with extended lockdowns). We should rather call his project the Great Revolution.

Socialism and communism are doomed to fail. The experience of the Soviet Union in the last century is proof of this. Nevertheless, this is what Klaus Schwab envisions, stating that in ten years from now, "You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy!"

According to Schwab, all private businesses will be gone, people will receive money from the government (in the form of digital currency as paper money will have been eliminated), but without the freedom to own anything, including a business. Without any other sources of income, people will become slaves to the state. A horse tethered to a post is guaranteed a meal every day, if he has a kind master, but he has no freedom.

Schwab is proposing not the system of monetary reform known as Social Credit, or Economic Democracy, but "Chinese social credit", the surveillance and control system established by the Communist Party of China to monitor and censure its citizens.

Equally worrisome and more frightening is Schwab's plan to transform God's creation, human beings, in their physical integrity, by merging us with computers and artificial intelligence, boasting that with neuro-technological brain enhancements and genetic editing, the monitoring of everyone's thoughts will be possible. It sounds like science fiction, but Schwab described this dystopian transhumanism in his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in 2016.

The financiers believe they are the only group capable of governing mankind. They created  the debt-money system in order to impose their will upon every individual and control the entire population of the world. The goal is for every nation to be in a state of crisis so that countries believe there is only one alternative.  That alternative  is the forfeiture of sovereignty, complete centralization, a single currency and a one-world government. Their latest step in this long-term plan is the "Great Reset"



About the Author

Alain Pilote

Alain Pilote

Alain Pilote has been the editor of the English edition of MICHAEL for several years. Twice a year we organize a week of study of the social doctrine of the Church and its application and Mr. Pilote is the instructor during these sessions.


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