Living Christmas Every Day

Written by Alain Pilote on Wednesday, 01 January 2020. Posted in Editorial

The Christmas season will have passed by the time you read this message but it is useful to reflect on this great event which changed the course of history. This is when God became man and was made flesh, under the traits of a small child to redeem us some thirty-three years later on the cross, thereby opening the doors of Heaven to us.

In a letter written on December 1, 2019, Pope Francis invites all families to keep the beautiful tradition of installing the nativity scene a few days before Christmas, with statues of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the magi to help us meditate on this great mystery of love. In this mystery, God revealed Himself to the humble, while the so-called sages of the world did not recognize him. The prophet Isaiah said:

The ox and the donkey know their master, but my people, do not know him”.

Since that first Christmas Day, God has not been apart from us for he is Emmanuel, “God with us”. What mysteries of love in this almighty God, creator of Heaven and earth, who made Himself a small child, who delighted in being “among the children of men”. He wants us to love Him, He wishes to unite with us, to reign in our hearts.

To be more intimately united with us, Jesus even made Himself the “Bread from Heaven”, present with us every day in the Holy Eucharist (in Hebrew, the word “Bethlehem” means “house of bread”). When we receive the Holy Eucharist, it is Jesus who comes into our hearts, like a little child, just like on Christmas Day. If we wish, it can be Christmas for us every day.

The love of Jesus and of neighbour inspired Louis Even to denounce the current financial system and found the work of MICHAEL. The current system hinders God’s plan to provide for us on earth. So that His abundance might be distributed to all human beings, by way of a monthly Dividend issued to each citizen, he brought us Social Credit, or Economic Democracy. In this way, the goods of the earth can be distributed to all citizens.

Mr. Even is not the only one who denounced the flaws of the current financial system, which creates money as debt. Father Charles Coughlin was a priest in the U.S. who attracted large crowds and had millions of listeners on the radio in the 1930’s. Even the Holy Father, Pope Francis, did not mince words when he denounced the global financial system that is more powerful than the state and which he compared to the racket of organized crime.

To change the current financial system we must have an informed population. We need the example of the saints, men and women truly devoted to the love of God and neighbour. Louis Even was such a man. Pope Francis also recently declared missionary Bishop Ovide Charlebois, OMI, in Western Canada, Venerable. See the testimony of Father Wieslaw Nazaruk, OMI, whose special favour granted by God was an experience of Heaven, hell and purgatory.

Let us live as if we were all brothers and sisters, in the presence of God, and every day will truly be Christmas, the Feast of Incarnated Love.

About the Author

Alain Pilote

Alain Pilote

Alain Pilote has been the editor of the English edition of MICHAEL for several years. Twice a year we organize a week of study of the social doctrine of the Church and its application and Mr. Pilote is the instructor during these sessions.


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